5. Confessions and Confusion

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Josh and I walk into the banquet hall and it looks amazing. Topanga really outdid herself with the decorating.

The table where the buffet will be served is covered in fake autumn leaves and there are multiple round tables adorning the rest of the room all with fake leaves and pumpkin centerpieces on top of simple white tablecloths. There's a large table at the front of the room meant for the wedding party and instead of the nervous feeling I would've felt earlier when thinking about sitting next to Josh through an entire dinner I just feel exhausted. When did my life become so stressful and exhausting?

I snap out of my thoughts and scan the crowd my eyes stopping on Riley and Lucas who are in the corner making out. I laugh to myself as I walk toward my best friends.

"Am I interrupting something?" I ask teasingly as my friends pull apart quickly looking up at me.

"Peaches!" Riley exclaims as she runs over to hug me.

"Riles, we've been apart for an hour, not a century." I laugh as we break apart. "And besides it doesn't seem like you missed me that much." I continue glancing at Lucas who was still standing in the corner. Riley blushes looking back at him. They share a brief loving glance before he comes over and hugs me congratulating me. We break apart and he kisses Riley on the cheek before heading over to where Farkle and Smackle are standing, leaving me and Riley alone to talk.

"So how was the ride over?" Riley asks but before I can answer I feel someone's arms around my waist and a kiss on my shoulder. I already know that it's Zay so I turn around happily coming face to face with my boyfriend.

"Well hello" I say as I look into my loving boyfriend's eyes. I hear Riley excuse herself behind us but I'm not paying any attention. Right now it's just me and Zay, and that's all I need.

"How was your ride with Josh?" Zay asks.

"It was fine" I try to respond as calmly as possible but I'm sure I come off sounding like a nervous wreck.

"Yea? What'd you guys talk about?" he asks curiously looking down at me sweetly.

"Nothing much" I lie looking up at him. "I missed you though."

"I missed you too" he says as he leans down to kiss me. I kiss him back briefly before remembering that we're at a wedding reception and there are hundreds of people surrounding us. I pull apart from him and take his hand in mine. I look around the room and notice that Josh is standing by himself by the buffet table.

"Hey, do you think we should go and keep Josh company?" I ask nonchalantly. I know I should be avoiding him, but I can't help myself.

"Yea okay" Zay answers calmly as we walk hand in hand over to Josh. As we walk I can't help but hope that once I show Josh how happy I am with Zay that everything will go back to normal but as we get closer and closer to him I can't help but ask myself, who was I really trying to prove my happiness to? Josh, or myself?


I still have Zay's hand in mine when we make our way over to Josh. He's standing next to the buffet table no doubt wanting to have first dibs on the food. I mean this is the guy who took Auggie out for steak on game night. A confused look crosses over his face as we approach him but its gone seconds later quickly replaced by his usual demeanor.

I look between Josh and Zay before reintroducing them. "Zay, this is Josh, Riley's uncle. You remember him from the night Riley's Beary the Bear Bear went missing, right?"

"Of course" Zay responds holding his hand out to Josh. "It's nice to see you again" he says as he and Josh exchange a bro hug. I see Josh look over at me after the two are done hugging obviously wondering why I would bring Zay over to talk to him. I look at Josh nervously knowing that I have to tell him so before I can change my mind I quickly reintroduce Zay.

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