43. Merry Christmas Eve

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A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE READERS!!!!! AND OF COURSE HAPPY HANUKKAH AS WELL!!!! Today's update will be Christmas related purely by coincidence, but I hope you all enjoy it!!! Love you guys and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!


"Merry Christmas Eve" Josh says sweetly as he hands me a cup of hot chocolate, sitting beside me on the couch with his own cup in hand. I had come over to hang out last night and since we were both going to his brother's house for the holiday this afternoon I figured it would just make sense to sleep over, and with the snow that started falling Shawn wasn't one to argue since I was already an awful driver without slippery conditions.

"That's not a thing" I tease as I pull my legs against my chest, sipping the warm beverage I was waking up to instead of my usual morning coffee.

"It most certainly is a thing" he assures me, his eyes sparkling as a smile pulls at his lips.

"Okay Boing" I tease making him laugh as he takes a sip of his own hot chocolate. "What time do we have to be at Matthews' today?" I ask curiously.

"Three I think" he replies, "dinner is at five" he adds as I shake my head in understanding as I glance over at the clock, noticing it was already noon. Whoops. Staying up until three in the morning watching Christmas movies probably wasn't the best idea.

"Okay" I reply smiling. "Would it be okay if I took a shower?" I ask as I stand up from the couch, placing my half empty mug down onto the coffee table.

"Go ahead gorgeous" he replies sweetly. "I'm just gonna watch some TV" he adds as he grabs the remote, turning the television on with one click. I walk off to the bedroom and grab the clothes I had brought over last night and head into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I quickly strip down and climb into the shower, letting the warm water cascade over my body. I hear Josh walk into his bedroom as I'm finishing up my shower, grabbing a towel I climb out and peek my head out the door finding him stripping down to get dressed. I bite my lip as my eyes run over his body, he was just wearing a pair of boxers but still, this was as undressed as I'd ever seen my boyfriend.

"Maya I heard the door click open" he teases as he turns around to find me staring.

"Oh um" I laugh nervously. "I should um get dressed" I add making him laugh as he slips into a pair of black dress pants.

"Probably" he teases once again making me blush as I shut the door behind me. I quickly pull on my own clothing before walking back into the bedroom, finding Josh still shirtless, standing in front of the closet.

"Having trouble deciding that to wear?" I ask curiously as I clasp a necklace around my neck and place simple faux diamond earrings in my ears.

"You look nice babe" he replies, ignoring my question as his eyes run down my figure. I was wearing a dark blue wrap dress, my hair falling in waves around my shoulders, and a pair of silver heels on my feet.

"Thanks" I smile as I waltz over to him, his arms immediately pulling me against him. He surprises me when his gaze leaves the closet, landing on me, his lips finding mine seconds later. I respond immediately, wrapping my arms around his neck and allowing him to deepen the kiss as his tongue flicks across my bottom lip. I moan as his hands land on the back of my thighs, picking me up and walking me over to the bed, placing me on the edge as his lips continue to dominate mine. I eventually fall back against the bed, cursing in my head at the thought of having to redo my hair, but otherwise not really minding the current situation. My legs spread apart enough to allow him to rest comfortably between them, my hands running down his chest as his got lost in my hair. I finally break away from him, breathing heavily as I stare dazedly up at him. "What was that for?" I ask, struggling to catch my breath.

"Merry Christmas Eve" he teases once again as he climbs off of me.

"That's not a thing" I tease back, a smirk playing on my lips as I sit up, my arms bracing me against the bed from behind me.

"It is today" he smiles as he finally decides on a shirt, pulling it on quickly. "You ready to go?" he asks as he grabs his car keys.

"How's my hair look?" I ask laughing as I climb off the bed.

"Sexy" he replies making me chuckle as I go over to the mirror. It actually wasn't that bad, I run my fingers through it quickly and I shrug as grab my clutch. I take Josh's hand in mine as we walk out of the apartment towards the party.


When we reach the Matthews' we're greeted by Topanga, Cory already catching up with my dad and my mom sitting in the kitchen eating, making me laugh as I think about the baby in her belly. Amy and Alan aren't here yet and I assume Auggie is off somewhere with Ava. I look around at my family and realize that Riley's missing. "I'm gonna go find Riles" I whisper in Josh's ear as he nods in understanding, kissing the top of my head before I walk off towards my best friend's bedroom. I throw open the door and find her sitting on the bay window, looking deep in thought.

"Hey Riles, long time no see" I smile as I sit beside her.

"I know ever since Josh got his own place you've been pretty MIA" she replies sadly.

"Yea, I know. I'm sorry I really should come over here more often. I miss you. What have you been up to?" I ask curiously as I pull one of the thousands of pillows against my chest.

"Well, I actually have something to tell you" she replies drawing out the statement as if to make the situation more dramatic.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Spill" I say quickly as I perk up in excitement.

"I'm moving in with Lucas" she reveals making my jaw drop as I stare back at her in shock.

"What! When?" I exclaim.

"In the fall. We've been looking for apartments."

"Does Matthews know?" I ask, biting my lip to hide my smirk at the thought as Riley shakes her head no nervously.

"Riles" I start but I'm interrupted when Huckleberry climbs into the window making me scoot over to make room for him.

"Sorry I'm late" he says to Riley sweetly before turning around to face me.

"Huckleberry I thought I made it clear that you can't die. I need you. I can't do this life thing without you. Who will I tease?" I ask as his eyes land on mine.

"Maya, what are you talking about?" he asks confused.

"Um I don't know maybe the fact that you're planning on moving in with Riley and you haven't told Matthews yet. He's literally going to explode and OH MY GOD if he finds out you're having sex too" I exclaim as Lucas cuts me off by placing his hand over my mouth.

"Um, let's lower our voices so that he doesn't find out that last part out. Okay?" Lucas whispers as he lowers his hand away from my mouth.

"Maya your parents are okay with you living with Josh why won't mine be okay with me living with Lucas?" she asks innocently as his hand curls around hers.

"Because Riles, my father isn't Cory Matthews, the king of being over dramatic. He literally drove Lucas out of his classroom when he found out you two kissed."

"Maya, we're doing it" she says as she stands up, "and if you don't support us then that's your own decision."

"Riles, of course I support you. I just would like Huckleberry to remain in the land of the living. But if you're sure this is what you want to do then I'm behind you 100 percent" I assure her as I stand up, placing the pillow that was in my arms back onto the windowsill.

"Thanks Peaches" she smiles, hugging me quickly before we head back down to the living room. I find my way over to Josh, taking a seat beside him, his breath tickling my ear as he whispers into it.

"Why is Lucas here?" he asks confused.

"Oh you'll see" I respond looking over at Mr. Matthews who has just realized Lucas' presence but before he can say anything Topanga announces that it's time to eat.

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