33. Creating Memories

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When I wake up the next morning Josh is still asleep next to me and thankfully there is no knocking at the door. I climb out of bed carefully making sure not to wake up my boyfriend and head out to the kitchen. I brew myself a cup of coffee and walk out onto the porch taking a seat in Papi Joe's rocking chair before pulling out my cell phone dialing it quickly.

"Hello" the voice on the other end says after two rings.

"Morning mom" I say softly before taking a sip of my coffee.

"Hi baby girl. How's Texas?" she asks and I smile as I relax in my chair.

"It's good. We've had a few disagreements but it's been really great getting to spend time together."

"I'm sure" she says happily before continuing. "Where's Josh?"

"Still asleep" I say calmly enjoying my quiet morning.

"You two been behaving?" my mom tease making me laugh.

"Of course mom. You know Josh, he's a perfect gentleman" I say making her laugh.

"I know that but he's still your boyfriend."

"Mom" I laugh in disbelief.

"I'm just saying" she says defensively. "But I'm glad to hear you've been behaving. What about Riley and Lucas? Cory has been driving me nuts."

"Um" I say unsure of if my friends had ended up sleeping together last night. "I can't be sure. They seemed kinda handsy at Chubby's last night" I admit knowing my mom was never telling Cory anything. My mom knew everything, I trusted her.

"Perfect. I'll tell Cory he sleeps on the couch" she says as I take another sip of my coffee.

"Sounds like a plan" I respond as the screen door opens revealing my best friend. "Hey mom Riles just got up. I'll talk to you later" I say before hanging up and turning my attention to Riley. "Morning" I say smiling.

"Good morning" she says happily as she takes a seat on the front step.

"Is Lucas up?" I ask curiously.

"No" she says trying to hide her smile.

"You slept with him last night didn't you" I say already knowing the answer.

"You were right about the boots" she mutters blushing harshly.

"I knew it" I laugh.

"What about you and my uncle?" Riley asks and I roll my eyes.

"We stayed up and talked about houses and getting married. I think I may have even asked him how many kids he wanted" I laugh thinking back to last night.

"Aw Joshaya babies. They would be so cute. They'd be all brown haired and blue eyed" Riley says practically fawning over Josh and I's nonexistent children.

"Um Riles I need to actually sleep with him first" I laugh making her giggle.

"Whatever" she says as the screen door opens again revealing Farkle.

"Ladies" he says as he takes a seat on the porch swing.

"Farkle" Riley and I say in unison.

"How was your night?" I ask.

"Good. Smackle and I fell asleep watching Star Wars."

"Nerd love is adorable" Josh says as he steps onto the porch.

"Hey babe" I say brightly as he walks over to me.

"Morning gorgeous" he responds before picking me up abruptly and sitting down in my chair resting me on his lap. I giggle as I wrap my arms around his neck and lean in to kiss him.

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