50. Worst Valentine's Day Ever

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"Oh my god" I exclaim as I quickly push Josh off me.

"Joshua Gabriel Matthews" his mom says sternly through my boyfriend has yet to take his eyes off mine as he grabs his jeans, pulling them back on.

"I'm so sorry" he mouths as I throw my jeans and my shirt back on quickly. This was my worst nightmare. "I didn't know you guys were coming back" Josh says out loud as he finally turns to face his parents.

"Clearly otherwise I doubt you would've been trying to have sex on my couch" his mom says as she crosses her arms across her chest. "Your sister is fighting for her life and you're having birthday sex with your barely legal girlfriend. Very nice" she adds as Josh rubs his neck nervously.

"Don't bring Maya into this" Josh sighs. "It was my idea."

"Sure" she says angrily.

"Amy let's calm down. We have more important things going on right now. Morgan made it through the surgery. We're all going to see her in the morning so get some sleep.

"Yes. Sleep" Amy huffs as she storms out of the room, Alan giving us a sympathetic smile before heading out after her.

"How did Topanga do this?" I ask in disbelief as I look around the house, avoiding eye contact with Josh.

"Do what?" Josh asks confused.

"Live up to Amy's impossible standards. I agree we shouldn't have been trying to have sex on the couch but she didn't seem to like me before. Why?"

"Just drop it" Josh says as I look at him confused.

"How about no. I almost gave you my virginity five minutes ago, I think I deserve more than "just drop it"" I say seriously as I stare at him.

"Sit down" he says simply making me do as he says, as he comes to sit beside me. "You know I'm not a virgin" he starts as I nod. I did know that, I hated it but I understood he had a past and I loved him no matter what. "I was in a relationship with this girl, we were together for almost a year, around the time you started dating Zay" he adds as I nod, listening intently. "I thought I was in love with her and we had sex. A couple weeks later I found her in bed with the RA on her floor. I was crushed, I broke up with her and I haven't seen her since. My mom adored her, they did stuff together all the time. When I told my mom about the breakup she wanted me to give her another chance and I refused. You are the first girl I've been with since. She thinks my ex is my soulmate, therefore" he trails off.

"I'm not" I finish as he nods. "Awesome. So to be clear the bitch who actually has slept with you and then cheated on you, your mom likes her. But me, the virgin who loves you more than I love myself, she doesn't like me."

"This is the worst Valentine's Day ever" he sighs as his face falls into his hands.

"Come on" I smile as I stand up holding out my hand for him to take. "Let's go get some sleep."

"You're not mad?" he asks as I shake my head.

"At you, of course not. Your mom, kinda" I admit with a sigh. "But I'm exhausted so you coming to bed or not?"

"After you gorgeous." 

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