40. A Surprise Visit

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"Is it Thanksgiving yet?" I ask exhausted as I collapse onto Josh's couch, which I guess was our couch since I was moving in after graduation.

"Still got a few more days left gorgeous" he laughs as he sits beside me, picking up my legs as he sits down, placing them on top of his.

"But why?" I whine. "School is so boring."

"Of course it is" he replies amused. "That's why it's called school and not fun" he adds seriously.

"Whatever" I laugh as I snuggle closer to him. "What are we doing tonight?"

"Well I was thinking Grey's marathon" he smirks making a smile pull at my lips as I kiss his lips quickly, my hand grabbing for the remote.

"This is why I love you" I smile as I que up the show.

"That's the only reason huh?" he asks teasingly.

"Yep" I reply, popping the p making him chuckle. "What episode should we watch?"

"No season finales" he says seriously as I scroll through the episodes. Suddenly we hear a knock on the door grabbing our attention as he sighs and gets up. "Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?" he asks seriously as the two walk into our apartment.

"We wanted to see the new place. Hi Maya" his mom says brightly. "What are you doing here?" she asks confused causing the same confusion to cloud my face as I look up at Josh. The panic in my eyes tells me that he may have gotten my parents blessing for me to move in but he didn't have his parent's.

"Um" I stutter awkwardly. "I just came by to hang out. I should actually be going" I add as I grab my things and start heading towards the door.

"Maya hold on" Josh says but I shake my head as I keep walking, opening and slamming the door behind me.


"You're home early" my mom says as I walk into the house a little while later.

"Yea well Amy and Alan showed up and guess what? They have no idea their son asked me to move in" I explain making my mom's eyes go wide.

"I don't blame him" Shawn says as he walks down the stairs into the living room. "They aren't exactly the most understanding people when it comes to young commitments" he continues.

"But still. They'll figure it out when all of my stuff is there" I reply as I take a seat next to my mom on the couch. "I thought things were supposed to be getting easier" I add as my face falls into my hands.

"They will baby girl, but there will always be struggles. Life is nothing if not a rollercoaster" she explains making me chuckle.

"Thanks mom" I reply smiling. "I think I'm gonna go take a nap. I'll be down for dinner" I add as I stand up and start walking off towards my room.

"We'll call you down when it's done" my dad says sweetly as I disappear around the corner.

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