31. Boots and Worries

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I'm woken up the next morning by someone knocking on the door. I moan loudly in annoyance waking up Josh on accident.

"What's wrong" he asks apparently oblivious to the loud knocking on our bedroom door.

"Do you not hear the knocking? I mean seriously what does a girl have to do to get some sleep around here." I complain as I get out of bed walking over to the door. I open it and find Riley standing on the other side.

"Get dressed, we're going shopping" she announces brightly.

"Riles, I was sleeping" I complain rubbing my eyes.

"It is ten in the morning. We are going to Chubby's tonight and we need clothes. Now get dressed and meet me in the living room" she orders walking away before I can argue with her. I growl loudly as I shut the door walking over to the closet.

"Where are you going?" Josh asks looking up at me from the bed.

"Apparently Riles and I are going shopping" I respond annoyed.

"Just a question, but are you and I ever gonna get some alone time on this trip? I mean I didn't think it would be this difficult seeing as though there are literally no adults but Riley and Lucas have been worse than Shawn and Cory" he complains. I walk away from the closet and take a seat on the bed next to him.

"I promise, me and you can do whatever you want when I get home. Okay?" I say looking down at him.

"Whatever I want?" he teases.

"Hey, behave" I explain hitting him on the arm playfully.

"Yea, yea" he says leaning up to kiss me. I laugh breaking away from him.

"See I told you that you were the distracting one" I say getting up off the bed.

"Whatever" he says laughing as he lies back down.

I finally get dressed throwing on a pair of jeans and a flannel t-shirt before putting my hair up in a ponytail. I kiss Josh goodbye and walk out of our room to join Riley in the living room.

"Okay Riles where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."


"Cowboy boots?"

"Maya, we can't go to a real Texas hoedown without them" she responds making me laugh.

"Hoedown?" I ask teasingly making fun of her country lingo.

"Just come on" she says pulling me towards one of the displays. I look around for a few minutes before my eyes land on a pair of light brown knee high cowboy boots and I smile. I had bought a lacy cream colored dress before I left New York that would look amazing with those boots. "Find something you like Peaches?" Riley asks coming up behind me.

"Yea I think I did" I say smiling. "What do you think?" I ask holding up the pair of boots.

"I love them and I bet Josh will too" she teases.

"Whatever" I laugh even though I know she's right. Josh has been dying to see me in pair of cowboy boots since I invited him to Texas. "What about Huckleberry? I'm sure he can't wait to see you in pair of cowboy boots too" I tease.

"Lucas has already seen me in cowboy boots" she says and I laugh.

"Uh huh, when we were thirteen" I tease hoping that she gets where I'm going with this.

"So it's only been three years" she says and I roll my eyes.

"Yea three years in which Ranger Rick swiped your V card" I say quietly making Riley's jaw drop.

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