13. Goodbyes

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I wake up the next morning to find Riley still sleeping next to me as usual. I decide that I should probably check my phone since I hadn't checked it in two days. I unlock my phone and see I have three texts from Farkle, two from Ranger Rick, one from my parents from two days ago, and fifteen missed calls from Zay. I decide to check my parent's text first.

MOM, DAD: Hey kiddo. Hope everything's going okay at the Matthews. We're having a great time but we can't wait to see you tomorrow baby girl. Love you.

I smile down at the text knowing that my parents will never know just how amazing my week here has been. I shoot them back a quick text.

MAYA: Things at the Matthews' are amazing. I'm having so much fun. But I can't wait to see you guys tomorrow. Love You!!

After I send the short text to my parents I decide to see what Farkle wanted. The first text is him asking if I was okay, obviously hearing about mine and Zay's breakup. The second proves why we call him a genius.

FARKLE: The long game was too hard to resist wasn't it 😉

I laugh. Of course Farkle would figure out that I was with Josh without me having to tell him. And as if that weren't enough the third one reads:

FARKLE: I'm sure Josh is keeping you pretty busy, but you could take a second to text back the most important man in your life

I'm laughing so hard at this point I think I'm going to wake up Riley so I calm myself down and send a text back to Farkle.

MAYA: You're too smart for me Minkus. I'm fine and yes Josh and I are together. It's a long story but I'll fill you and Smackle in on everything after Josh leaves tomorrow. Love Ya 😙

Now on to Ranger Rick.

HUCKLEBERRY: I'm sorry about last night and thank you for not telling the Matthews.

I feel awful as I read the text. I know that I always mess with Lucas but I always figured he knew I was just playing around. But maybe he actually thought I didn't like him or value our friendship. I sigh as I read the second text.

LUCAS: How's Riley?

After reading the text I start to type a response immediately.

HUCKLEBERRY: Lucas, I would never tell anyone what I walked in on last night. I may enjoy messing with you but I don't want Matthews to kill you. And Riley's fine she calmed down after you left and we talked. Btw your plan last night was super sweet but next time make sure there won't be anyone home. The last thing you need is for Matthews to walk in instead of me.

I don't expect a response but not three seconds later I get one.

HUCKLEBERRY: Aww Maya you actually do care

I laugh at his response and type back.

MAYA: Ha. You wish Huckleberry. But seriously be careful. If Matthews kills you I won't have anyone to tease.

HUCKLEBERRY: What about Josh 😉

I'm taken by surprise by the text and decide that Lucas deserves a little payback for teasing me.

MAYA: Oh don't worry I tease Josh plenty...but not in the same way I tease you 😉

HUCKLEBERRY: Okay!!!! I surrender!!! I DO NOT want to know what you and Josh do behind closed doors!

I laugh victoriously. I decide not to listen to the voicemails from Zay. I plan on doing it eventually but today is Josh's last day and I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend it anywhere other than Josh's room.

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