46. Birthday Promises

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The most annoying part about sleeping over at your boyfriend's apartment is when you wake up and he's nowhere to be found. What's worse is when it's your birthday. I sit up, glancing at the empty spot beside me where he fell asleep before looking over to the nightstand looking for a note of some sort. I find nothing but I'm soon startled by the sound of the door opening, my boyfriend wearing nothing more than pajama pants standing in the doorway.

"Good morning birthday girl" he smirks making me laugh lightly as I run my fingers through my hair. I was eighteen today, it seemed unreal.

"Morning" I reply smiling brightly at the boy. "Watcha got there?" I ask playfully as I motion to his hands behind his back, pulling my knees against my chest.

"I don't know. Why don't you try and get it from me" he teases walking over to the bed and leaning over me. I giggle as I wrap my arm around his back grabbing the box successfully. Josh sits down on the bed in front of me as I tear off the wrapping paper and suddenly all the air leaves my lungs because beneath the wrapping is a small ring box. Josh smiles at my reaction, grabbing the small box and opening it, inside is a small silver ring that's band is made up entirely of hearts. "Josh?" I question as a smile pulls at his lips, one wider than I've ever seen.

"It's a promise ring. I know we're still too young to get married but that doesn't mean that everyone shouldn't know how much I love you" he says slipping the ring onto my finger as I look at him in disbelief.

"This is perfect" I say looking down at my new accessory, "you are perfect" I add leaning in to kiss him.

"Happy Birthday Maya" he mutters against my lips as we fall back onto the bed.


Josh's POV

I couldn't believe Maya turned eighteen today. She could officially (legally) be all mine. It wasn't even about sleeping with her, I just loved the fact that I was finally able to give her that ring I've had for months. She was my everything at this point, I loved her more than anything and I planned on telling her that every day for the rest of our lives. Starting with today, my second birthday surprise. Maya and I head into the kitchen, my making her chocolate chip pancakes that we ate in record time before she slipped out to take a shower. I'm fully dressed and ready for the day as I finally decide to shoot my niece a text to check up on things for the surprise.

JOSH: Everything ready?

I send the text, nervously awaiting her answer. This had to be perfect.

RILEY: Yepppp

When the text appears on my screen I breathe a sigh of relief sending a reminder of just how perfect this has to be in response.

JOSH: Good this has to be perfect.

RILEY: It will be. How'd she like the ring?

How Riley kept the promise ring a secret I will never know, it seemed as if her and my girlfriend kept nothing from each other.

JOSH: She loved it. But I still think she prefers the one you gave her. Lol.

RILEY: Ha. Sisters before Misters ;)

JOSH: Whatever. We both know which Matthews she loves more.

RILEY: Yepppp and it's not you.

JOSH: Remind me again why I tolerate you.

RILEY: Haha. You love me.

JOSH: I guess.

I hear the water shut off as I send that last text, quickly pocketing my cell as my gorgeous girlfriend walks back into the room.

"Hey Gorgeous" I say nonchalantly as I take a seat on the edge of the bed.

"Hi" she says looking up at me suspiciously but luckily she doesn't push the situation. My secret surprise was still a go.


Back to Maya's POV

My mind is racing trying to figure out what's going on with Josh. I mean he gave me a promise ring this morning and now he's acting really weird. He's lying on our bed, looking a million miles away as he chews on his bottom lip. I try to ignore him, deciding on a simple white dress that I could easily pair with a pair of knee high black boots but of course I can't zip the damn thing.

"Josh can you come zip this up for me?" I ask sweetly as I turn around so my back is facing him.

"Yea" he says as he jumps off the bed, sliding it up with ease making a smile pull at my lips. "There you go" he adds happily as I turn to face him.

"Thanks babe" I smile as I wrap my arms around his neck. "You do remember how old I am today right?" I whisper seductively as he laughs, breaking my grip on his neck.

"I do remember. I also remember that I've made plans for us at my brother's house so this will have to wait" he says making me pout causing him to laugh as he kisses my forehead, gesturing me to leave the bedroom. I obey, walking down to the truck, Josh helping me as always before climbing in beside me. Chase Rice blares from the speakers as he starts the engine making me giggle as a smile pulls at his lips. I skip to our song, turning it all the way up as we start driving, Josh and I singing every word as we drive. I feel his hand looking for mine and I happily take it, intertwining our fingers. When the song ends I glance over at my boyfriend whose smile could light up any darkness. Maybe nothing was wrong, maybe he was just having a bad morning.

"So what are we doing at Cory's house?" I ask curiously as Josh smiles, looking down at me lovingly as we stop at a red light.

"Wouldn't you like to know" he teases as the light turns green and he floors it, making it to the loft in record time. As he takes my hand in his, walking up to the door I can only guess what awaits me on the other side.

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