3. The Wedding

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We make our way upstairs and line up behind the church doors. Shawn walks through them and Auggie and Ava follow shortly after. Ava throws the blue flowers down the aisle haphazardly and I laugh quietly earning myself a glance from Josh as Cory and Topanga walk down the aisle.

Then its Farkle's turn walking down the aisle confidently even though he was alone. I feel bad, they could've at least let him add Smackle to the wedding party if I had to walk down the aisle with Josh.

After Farkle makes it to the altar Riley and Lucas follow after. Lucas rests his hand on Riley's back as they walk and I can't help but smile.

Once they reach the altar it's finally our turn. I look up at Josh briefly before we start our walk down the aisle. When we arrive at the altar we go to part ways, but of course being the total klutz that I am, I trip and fall in my heels almost falling onto the floor. But Josh is still close to me so he rushes over to me closing the small gap that was between us and catches me.

As soon as I feel his arms around me I feel shivers run down my spine and I quickly stand back up steadying myself and fixing my dress. Once I'm up Josh offers his hand to me to help me climb the two steps on the altar. I don't want to take his hand because I know as soon as I do it will feel like a shock of electricity running through my body, but I can't let him know he has this effect on me so I accept his hand and I climb the two steps carefully. As soon as Josh is sure I'm safely in my spot he walks to his spot next to Lucas.

Not two seconds later the organ begins to play the wedding march and the back doors open to reveal my mother wearing a beautiful, simple wedding gown with her hair hanging around her shoulders perfectly, and her only accessories are her engagement ring and a locket hanging around her neck. The same locket that she had given me on my fourteenth birthday. It was the locket that represents hope for my family, hope that was finally being fulfilled today, which is why I asked her to wear it. She makes her way down the aisle and takes her place across from Shawn.

She smiles looking at him and after the pastor says a few words my mom starts reciting her vows.


A/N: Vows are from Girl Meets I Do. All rights go to Disney; I OWN NOTHING


"I was looking for a quote that applied to us. What I found was marrying for love may be a bit risky but it is so honest God can't help but smile on it. The lives we led until now have made us both wonder if life knows what it's doing with us at all" she finishes looking at Shawn lovingly.

"Here's my life. My two best friends get married and have a daughter, who has a best friend, whose mother is you. I believe in life and in the long road that led me here to you. I promise I'll walk with you as long as you let me" he finishes smiling at my mom happier than I've ever seen him.

"I promise I will walk with you no matter where it leads" my mom answers happily. They exchange their rings saying I do happily and finally the minister speaks one last time, announcing my mother and Shawn as husband and wife. They share a sweet kiss as everyone claps and cries. It's the happiest moment of my life. I finally have the family I've always wanted and it was even better than I ever imagined.


A/N: I know these first few chapters have been pretty short but I promise that they'll get longer eventually. But I hope you all enjoyed the first three chapters. Thanks for Reading 😊

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