41. Thanksgiving

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It was finally Thanksgiving but all of my excitement from a few days ago was gone. I was no longer excited for the day filled with my family because I knew Josh would be there and we hadn't spoken since I left the apartment the other day. I was worried about what today was going to hold.

"Are you and my uncle seriously still fighting?" Riley asks as we sit around her bedroom, me on the bay window while she sits on her bed.

"I guess" I reply nonchalantly. "He hasn't texted or called" I sigh as the boy I was just talking about appears in the open doorway.

"That's because I lost my damn phone charger" he complains as he stands in the entryway. "Riles can we have a sec?" he asks his niece politely.

"It's my room" she replies annoyed making Josh roll his eyes as he steps further into the room.

"Riles please" he begs as she sighs and jumps off the bed.

"Five minutes" she snips as she walks out of the room, Josh closing the door behind her.

"I'm sorry" he sighs as he takes a seat next to me. "I should've told my parents."

"Um no kidding" I laugh. "Josh I'm going to be living with you. Next to a baby bump, that's about the hardest thing to hide" I add making him chuckle.

"Well luckily we don't have to worry about that second one" he adds making me smirk.

"Yea, lucky" I reply making him laugh as he leans forward to press his lips to mine but I pull back at the last second. "Babe you gotta tell them" I say seriously as he nods his head.

"I will. Over dinner" he says seriously as he caresses my cheek. "But a kiss would really help give me some courage" he adds making me roll my eyes playfully as I lean forward, pressing my lips to his.

"Dork" I giggle against his lips.

"You love me" he teases making me smile as I rest my forehead against his.

"That I do."


We're all sitting around the dinner table enjoying our Thanksgiving feast and I feel much better than I thought I was going to today. I had Josh back by my side, his hand in mine under the table. I was just worried about how his parents were going to take the news that I was moving in with their youngest son.

"How's school going Josh?" his mom asks him starling him as his grip on my hand tightens.

"It's good. It's just a lot" he says seriously. "But this one helps" he adds sweetly as he kisses my cheek.

"The two of you are sweet. I just hope you both are keeping up on your studies. Relationships can be distracting" his mom replies making my heart sink. I was starting to get even more worried about them finding out as this conversation dragged on.

"They don't have to be though" Topanga says positively. "Cory and I made it through school together" she adds as she smiles at Cory across the table.

"Aside from getting pregnant with Riley" his mom snips making Topanga close her mouth, her lips pursing in a fine line.

"I assure you mom that'd be impossible" Josh says making everyone chuckle. "But um I do have something to tell you" he adds seriously.

"If she's not pregnant what else could it be?" she asks confused.

"Sweetheart give him a minute to answer" Alan says laughing lightly as he puts his hand over his wife's.

"I'm moving in" I announce making Amy's eyes widen. "After graduation, I'll be eighteen and we'll both be at NYU. It's perfect" I add smiling.

"Or distracting" his mother replies. "Joshua are you sure you've thought this through" she asks Josh seriously.

"I asked her dad, that's how sure I am" he says playfully. "I didn't risk my life to not be one hundred percent sure" he adds making me smile as he squeezes my hand under the table.

"Your life was never in danger" Shawn assures Josh making him laugh.

"It was still pretty scary" Josh replies smiling. "Look I know we're young" he adds as he looks around at everyone. "But I love her and she loves me and we're happy. Please be okay with this" he begs as his eyes land on his parents.

"As long as your grades stay up I don't see why this is a bad thing. You're both adults, well almost" his dad adds smiling. "You're in love and you're paying for the apartment on your own. It's fine with us" he says politely as he wraps his arm around Amy.

"Of course" she replies trying to act happy for us, but I can tell that it's going to be a long road ahead with her, but at least for now she was willing to let things go and at least act happy for us. I share a smile with Josh before his lips land on mine. I was definitely thankful for him this year and hopefully many years to come.

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