8. The Calm Before the Storm

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I wake up the next morning excited to get ready for game night. "Hey Riles" I say turning around to face her as I shake her lightly. "Riley" I repeat making her open her eyes.

"What Maya?" she asks annoyed.

"How are we getting snacks and drinks for today?" I ask curiously.

"Maya, it's too early for these questions" she says rolling back over trying to fall back asleep.

"Would you be upset if I asked Josh to take us to the store?" I ask trying to get her attention but she's dozed back off. I climb out of bed and walk down the hall towards Josh's room.

"Matthews" I shout knocking loudly.

"What Hunter?" he asks opening the door to reveal himself wearing a pair of jeans, his hair drenched, and completely shirtless. I don't know how to respond, I don't even know if I can. "Maya what do you want?"

"I um. I need to. I need to go to the store" I say regaining my composure.


"Because I need food because someone keep eating it all" I say annoyed looking up at him.

"Fine. I'll take you in a minute. Are you wearing that to the store?" he asks motioning to my ensemble which included yoga pants and a concert tee.

"Um I was gonna. Why?" I ask suddenly self-conscious.

"I was just asking Hunter. Damn. You can come and sit in here for a few minutes while I get ready" he suggests.

"Okay" I say as I walk in and take a seat on his bed while he goes back into the bathroom. I look around the room smiling. Even though it was the guest bedroom, it was basically his home away from home. He had tons of stuff. I look at his bedside table and find his iPod. I grab it and start searching through the songs.

"Maya, what're you doing?" he asks walking back into the room with his hair completely dry but his torso still bare.

"Looking through your iPod. Not bad" I compliment.

"Aside from the country of course" he teases as he pulls on a shirt.

"Of course" I laugh looking up at him and as I do our eyes lock.

"Um. We should. We should. Um. We should go" Josh stutters making me look away awkwardly.

"Um yea" I say standing up. We walk out of his room and the loft and climb into his truck heading towards the grocery store.


When we get to the store I start scouring the aisles for food for our game night. I start with the chip aisle throwing tortilla chips, sour cream and cheddar chips, and sour cream and onion chips into the cart.

"Hungry?" Josh laughs watching me.

"Starving" I laugh looking back at him. "Do you need anything human garbage disposal?" I tease.

"Ha ha Maya you're hilarious" he shoots back smirking at me. "And no. I have enough chips. Thanks for asking."

"Alright then" I say as I throw a random bag of pretzels into the cart. We walk up and down the aisles finally reaching the soda aisle. I throw various flavors in the cart before I turn my attention on Josh.

"Okay, I have everything I need. Ready to go?" I ask.

"Hey gorgeous, you forgot the popcorn" he smirks and I don't even think he realizes what he said.

"Um" I say awkwardly.

"What?" he asks oblivious.

"Nothing" I say walking away deciding to ignore the nickname. It was just a word, it meant nothing.

We check out and head home. I thank Josh when we get home and he heads to his room while I stay in the living room binge watching Red Planet Diaries with Riley, who woke up while we were gone.

It's a chill morning but I can't help but wonder if this is the calm before the storm.

A/N: Sorry for the short update! I needed some filler before game night but game night will be the next chapter. Also GMBear was hilarious. The cast breaking character every five seconds and Josh's schnoopaloop dance were priceless. But now I kinda want tacos...

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