6. Realizations

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I wake up the next morning in Riley's bed. She enjoys sleeping in whenever she can so of course she's still fast asleep next to me. I lean over to the bedside table and grab my phone unlocking it. Before I have a chance to scroll through my socials I notice that Zay texted me last night after I had fallen asleep.

ZAY: Hey. I just wanted to let you know I'm home safe and sound. I'm sure you're already asleep so that means you're reading this tomorrow morning. So good morning 😊

I smile as I read the text but I can't help but feel guilty about my feelings towards Josh. Zay really is the sweetest guy ever and he's an amazing boyfriend, I just hoped that I could remember that the next time I ran into Josh. I shoot a quick good morning text in response and climb out of bed carefully so that I don't wake up Sleeping Beauty.

I start making my way towards the kitchen so that I can make myself breakfast when I'm pulled into the guest bedroom. I don't even have to look up to know it's Josh so I respond the way any girl would after being pulled into a room with an extremely attractive boy...I punch him.

"WHAT THE HELL HUNTER?" he yells holding his arm where I just punched him.

"Are you kidding me Josh, what the hell is wrong with you? You can't just go around pulling random girls into your bedroom."

"Maya, you're hardly random" he replies clearly missing my entire point. I roll my eyes and decide to find out what on earth he could possibly need from me so urgently.

"What do you want Josh?" I ask annoyed.

"We need to talk about yesterday" he states looking at my face waiting for a reaction.

"There's nothing to talk about Josh, nothing happened, I'm with Zay." I say calmly. "And even if I wasn't, that doesn't mean I'd go out with you. You left, you went back to Philly" I continue quickly. "Why can't you just back off and leave me alone?"

As I keep rambling on he stares at me listening intently slowly moving closer and closer to me and when I finally shut up he's millimeters away from me pinning me up against the door. He looks down at me and my breath hitches in my throat as he caresses my cheek gently.

"Hunter, you talk too much" he whispers as he leans in closer, and just as his lips are about to meet mine we hear Topanga calling us all down for breakfast.

Josh quickly lets go of me and backs up as I reach behind me twisting the doorknob bolting out of the room heading towards the kitchen. As I enter the room Riley looks up at me noticing that something is clearly wrong but she doesn't say anything as I sit down at the table next to her, opposite Topanga and Auggie.

A few seconds later Josh comes down the stairs and sits down at the table on the end opposite Cory. He looks at me out of the corner of his eye smirking as he takes a bite of his pancakes and as I start to eat my own breakfast my head spins and I feel sick to my stomach because at this point it's clear to me that Josh was going to kiss me, but what was even clearer was the fact that I was going to let him.


I finish my breakfast and hop out of my seat quickly putting my plate in the sink before heading to Riley's room to get dressed. I'm pulling on a pair of jeans when Riley walks in. "You okay Peaches?" she asks as she shuts the door behind her.

"I really don't want to talk about it" I say after I button my jeans moving my hair out of my face as I look at my best friend.

"Maya" she starts but I cut her off.

"Riles, can we just get out of here for a little while?" I ask annoyed crossing my arms over my chest.

"Okay" Riley says as she sighs looking at me. "I need to go to the mall, should we go there?" she suggests and I nod.

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