49. Philly

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Valentine's Day is on a Thursday, I understand that it's not a national holiday but I think in my case it should be considered one since it was also my boyfriend's birthday. It's not like I'm focusing on my school work anyway, right now I'm sitting in Mr. Matthew's class staring at the clock. Of course it's only my first class of the day so it's useless to count down to the minutes since there are so many.

"Maya do you know why the holiday is called Valentine's Day?" Mr. Matthews asks as I look up at him surprised.

"Um" I stutter as Farkle starts talking, providing the explanation Cory was looking for.

"Thank you Farkle" Mr. Matthews says as he continues his lecture. My phone buzzes making me confused as I look down at my phone.


I feel the panic rising already as I stare at the text in shock. Something was wrong. I don't ask permission as I bolt out of my seat, dialing my boyfriend's number rapidly. I slam the door behind me as our phones connect.

"Josh what's wrong?" I ask quickly as my head spins, my stomach churning with nerves.

"My sister Morgan. She got in a car accident, I gotta get to Philly. Tell Cory" he replies as I nod.

"Okay fine. I guess I'll see when you get back" I add, my heart sinking a bit at the thought of not seeing him for a few days.

"No I'm coming to pick you up. Shawn is coming too, he's like a brother to Morgan so he's pulling you out of school. You're coming with. I'll see you soon. I love you."

"I love you too. Be careful" I add as I hang up the phone rushing back into the classroom.

"Maya?" Riley asks reading my expression as Cory turns to look at me.

"It's Morgan" I say as I stare at Mr. Matthews.

"Farkle go get Turner" Cory instructs calmly. "Riley come on" he adds as we all grab our stuff. Cory tells Turner there's a family emergency and he assures Cory that everything is going to be fine and to take as much time as he needs. With that the three of us head out to the parking lot when Josh is pulling in.

"Meet you guys there" I smile as I give Riley a quick hug, rushing into Josh's truck. "You okay?" I ask worriedly.

"Now I am" he says sweetly as he grabs my hand, starting the drive to Philly.


"I'm sure this isn't how you wanted to spend your birthday" I sigh as I sit on Josh's bed in his room in Philly. Morgan was in surgery so there was no reason for us to be at the hospital. Amy and Alan were calling with updates as soon as they received them.

"No it wasn't" he sighs as he sits beside me, taking my hand in his. "I actually had plans. Dinner reservations" he smiles as he grabs my hand, wrapping his fingers around mine.

"Just dinner? No dessert?" I whisper as I look up at him, biting my lip.

"You are trouble" he smiles as he kisses my forehead, standing up to finish unpacking since we were at least here till Monday.

"Why because I want to have" I start but I'm cut off by the door opening, Cory peeking his head in.

"We're going to dinner in ten minutes" he says simply before closing the door behind him.

"You gotta watch what you say. This place has no locks" Josh laughs lightly. "For the record I thought maybe but I'm not making love to you for the first time with Cory next door so get the idea out of your head Hunter" he teases as he leans down to give me a quick kiss. "Now come one, let's get to dinner."

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