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I couldn't believe Lance said that in front of Nitro, in front of me. He was such an idiot sometimes.

She stopped me as soon as the door was closed, putting her hands on my shoulders. I looked at her concerned green eyes, feeling guilty.

"Are you okay? That guy was kind of a jerk to you, and you didn't seem to take it lightly..."

I realized how much she cared, putting my annoyance to one thing Lance said, over the rude things Allura had assumed about her.

I hugged her, and she hugged back after a while. I smiled secretly.
"It's okay. It's just Lance sometimes, he just irritates me to the point where I can't breathe and.... Are you okay?"
I asked hesitantly.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Allura can be like that sometimes, like she thinks she rules the place. Which, technically, she kinda does-"

"Space Boy, listen to me. You can't let anyone get under your skin if you don't seem to care. I showed her up today, and that's fine for now. But... thanks for asking. I appreciate it."

I could tell that she meant it. She was right of course, about Lance and Allura. I yawned, covering it quickly.

She giggled out.

"You woke me up because you couldn't stay in one room!"
I accused, laughing.

"The only reason I left was because you forgot my suitcase, Space Boy!"

I'd forgotten her suitcase. I pulled away so I could get it, but she grabbed by wrist to stop me.

"It's okay. Just get it tomorrow. I know you're tired..."

"I can get it now, if you want."

"No. It can wait."

Space Girl (Keith X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now