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Pidge and Hunk went with me to get water, and Pidge slapped a container into my hands. I drank gratefully, and Pidge eyed me. I raised an eyebrow.

"Are those earrings I see?"

I scratched the back of my neck.

She glanced at Hunk, and he awkwardly left. Pidge turned back to me, folding her hands on the table.

"So your bracelet-"

"You too?"

"Yeah, actually. Only someone who is, knows." She explained.

"Do you follow the criteria?"
I drummed my fingers on the table.

"There's a checklist?"

I snorted, laughing.
"Do you watch Steven U?"

She lunged across the table, and attacked me with a hug.

I laughed, pushing her off. Pidge took me to her room and we sat on her bed rewatching the show and explaining our theories. I explained to her Peridot's 'shipping chart', blowing up the picture on her projector. It was really late, and we were going to pull an all nighter with our speculations.

Shiro walked in with a blanket, and draped it around my shoulders. I hugged my thanks, and I think he was surprised. Keith walked in later, staring at the shipping chart.

"Nitro, what is that...?"

"It's a shipping chart-"

"Why am I alone?"

"Excuse me?"
I stopped talking to hear him.

"The red box. It's not shipped with anyone. And if you're orange, why are you with Lance? But then... he's also with Hunk? And Hunk with Shiro? And Shiro and Pidge? It doesn't make sense, really..."

Pidge and I blushed red.
"N-no! We didn't make it, we're analyzing it! It's from this TV show, not related to us at all..."

He blushed.

"Pidge and Shiro? Come on!"
I teased, punching his stomach.

"Yeah! And Nitro and Lance? Ew!"
Pidge recovered from blushing.

He was so embarrassed. I hugged him tightly, and he hugged back.

"Now, if anyone on the team was shipped it would be you t-"
Pidge was cut off by my screeches.

I pushed Keith out of the room.
"Um, okay! Goodnight Space Boy! Thanks for checking on us, really appreciate the gesture-"

"I actually came to ask you..."

I squirmed, trying to get him out so Pidge wouldn't say anything.

"I uh... are you sleeping over?"

"No, actually I was going to eject myself back to earth. Of course I'm sleeping over, dummy!"
I laughed.

"Pidge's or mine?"

"Oh. Uh... Pidge's?"

"Y-yes, of course."
He turned to leave the room.

"Tomorrow, okay?"
I gave him a hug from behind, and he tensed up. I giggled.

"Goodnight, Space Boy."

Space Girl (Keith X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now