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"You're serious!?"
I screamed, and Allura rolled her eyes and nodded for the millionth time.

"Yes, I am serious."

"Pidge! You never told me you guys had a three dimensional printer!"

"I think it was smart of them to keep it away from you, considering your 'addiction problem'." She smirked.

The team looked at us with concern.

"Shut up."
I blushed, laughing.

"Do you want to work on the design?"
Coran, the giant orange mustache, inquired to fill the silence.

"Heck yeah!"
I cheered.

He pulled up a basic suit form, and handed me a stylus. I grinned.
"Knock yourself out."

"Oh trust me, I probably will."

After a while, most of the team left to train. Allura got bored of watching 'earth art' and left, leaving Coran, Pidge, and Keith with me. Pidge and Coran bickered over suitable materials in certain places, and I rolled my eyes. They could be so annoying sometimes, as nice as they were. I turned to Keith, who was bored and messing with his knife.

"What do you think?"
I asked him.

He looked up from his knife, and smiled at me apologetically.
"It's... nice..."

"But how would you improve it?"

He got out of his seat and dangled an arm around my shoulders.
"Honestly, it could use some... you know... just make it... more you."

I wrapped my other arm around his waist, and continued drawing.
"What color am I?"

"You look good in (f/c), if I might say so myself..."
Coran offered. Pidge glared.

"I like that, actually. Thank you, Coran." I smiled gratefully.

He left the room, and Pidge awkwardly pried Keith off me. I glared at her, and she shrugged in defense.

"What? You're making me uncomfortable. Both of you."

I blushed, and so did Keith. Mostly out of embarrassment.
"Pidge, why don't you just-"

"-shut your quiznack?"
Keith finished for me.

I didn't know what a quiznack was, but Pidge left the room grumbling.
"Shut your quiznack, Kogane."

He turned back to me, and looked at the suit one more time.
"Is it done yet?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. You're right, I think it did need something extra."

The corners of his mouth twitched up into a smile like it always does, and I pressed some buttons to print. He took my freshly printed suit, holding it up to my body.

"I think it would look much better if you tried it on, yeah?"

I tried to hold back my blushy smile, but failed. I took the suit and went into the bathroom. It was easy enough to slip on, and became comfortably skin tight. I pulled the outer armor over myself, and finally, pulled on my helmet.

I strode out of the bathroom, and Keith drew his sword dramatically.

"Oh, I thought you were someone else." He joked.

I snorted.
"Right, Space Boy."

"It looks good."
He circled around me for emphasis.

"How good?"
I tested him, raising an eyebrow.

"Like, really good. Hot, even."

I hoped the helmet would cover my blushing red face.

He quickly tried to cover it up.
"I mean, not like 'hot. hot'. Like 'hot, like it looks okay.' I didn't mean for you to think that I-"

He was a stuttering mess, I laughed.
"Listen. It's okay. I get it."

I pulled him closer, taking his hands.
"But you should know... I think you're pretty hot too."

His eyes went wide.

"In a 'you look ok' way, yeah."
I teased and his face fell.


I laughed again, and he gave that small smile he always has. I yawned, and he pulled me into a hug, patting my helmet even though I couldn't really feel it. I pressed my face against the crook of his neck, we were almost the same height.

"I know you're tired, Nitro."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Whatever, Space Boy."
I gave up, changed out of the suit, following him to his room and laying down on his bed. He pet my head softly, and I snuggled into his chest. I fell asleep almost instantly.

Space Girl (Keith X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now