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A Galra pod entered the ship's defenses, after Shiro had determined that Nitro must have been inside it. Otherwise, it could have been a small number of Galra soldiers.

I exclaimed, prying open the doors.

I grinned.

She brushed past me, like she didn't even see me.

"Nitro, are you-"
Shiro tried.

"I'm fine. I just need to be alone."
Her voice was cold.

This wasn't like her.

"What happened on the ship?"
Pidge asked.

"What happened to your skin?"
Lance pointed.

Pale blotches of burnt through skin were evident on every exposed part of her armor and face.

"I need to be alone."
She said, meaner this time.

I let her go. Something wrong must have happened. She must be mad.

It clicked.

She had to save herself.

Because we didn't even try.

I felt a punch to the gut, guilt.

I opened her room door at night when she hadn't shown up to dinner. Her face was completely healed. I put a hand on her shoulder gently.

"Nitro, I know you're mad."

She tensed.

"I was going to get you sooner or later, I was going to save you. You can't think that I would leave you-"
I tried to tell her.

"It's not that."

I was confused.
"Then what's bothering you?"

Nitro remained quiet.

"I'm sorry I let them take you away."

"Me too."
Her fists clenched together.

"You can trust me, okay?"
I offered.

She was dangerously silent.

"Don't you trust me?"
I tried.

Her breathing became erratic, and I thought she was going to punch me in the face.

"I want to be alone."
She said through gritted teeth.

"Okay. I'm sorry. Goodnight."
I backed out of the room quietly.

Whatever had happened, it must have been pretty horrible.

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