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My eyes were wide open, I was barely breathing.

"You wouldn't understand."
She whispered.

A silent tear slid down my face.

Of course I do.

I heard her walk out. She was leaving. She was leaving me. She had heard everything we'd discussed about her when we had thought she'd left. She knew. And now I knew. I knew how she felt.

I was too stunned to move.

Too stunned to think.

And then, with more certainty than anything I've thought over the course of my entire existence:

I'm not letting her go without telling her how I feel.

I darted up, sprinting down the halls to the hangars where her ship was. I saw her, almost to her ship.

"Nitro, wait!"
I cried out, and she turned to me with fear in her eyes.

She knew I'd heard what she said.

And she ran.

"Nitro! Nitro, please!"
I begged, tears slipping down my face as I chased after her.

I caught her arm, and she whipped around. It looked like she was about to hit me, but her face softened as soon as she saw me.

"Please... just let me tell you..."
I sobbed out.

"Keith, don't cry..."
She held me close.

"I do understand, Nitro. It's the same way I've felt about you."
I said through gasps for air.

She was quiet for a long time.

"You still like me?"
It was so quiet, so misbelieving.

"Of course... you're my Space Girl."
I laughed sadly, and she did too.


I sensed she was going to pull away, to tell me that she had to go.

"Who am I without my Space Girl?"
I cried harder.

"You're still you."
She tried to reason, but I shook my head violently.

"I'm nothing."

"Don't say that!"

I tried something else. Anything to get her to stay.
"Remember when you told me you weren't scared? And I said that I was? Do you remember?"

"Yes, Keith."

"Do you know why?"
I tried anything to keep her there, large drops of water rolling down my face now.


"I used to think being by myself was nice and peaceful. But after I met you... I've hated it. I'm scared of being alone. But not just being alone. Being without you."

Her voice broke.

"I'm sorry. I understand. You have to go. You have to finish this. I get that. But please... I couldn't live with myself if you got hurt. Please, let me go with you. I can keep you safe, and if anything goes wrong-"

"Keith, you know I can't let you."

I let out a choked sigh.
"Okay. I know you'll do great. You will keep safe, right? You will?"

"I will try for you, Space Boy."

It got quiet. A long quiet.

"Just stay a little longer?"
I buried my head in her shoulder.

"You know I can't."

"Okay. Sorry. Just... promise me?"

I felt her stiffen. I felt dumb.

I was going to apologize.

"Of course."

"Promise me you'll come back."

She got really quiet.

"Promise me."

"I will try, but-"

"No. Promise me."

She sighed.

Nitro cupped my face with her hands, pulling me into a kiss.

This one was deeper and longer than our previous ones. Neither of us wanted to separate. I clung to her space suit tightly, her hands dug into my hair.

She pulled away slowly, and kissed my forehead.

"I promise."

I watched as she climbed into her ship, and closed the doors. I tried to smile, a sad smile. I unlocked the barrier, allowing her to fly out.

"I'll be back Space Boy! I promise!"
She waved, a genuine smile.

I smiled back, waving and blowing a kiss in her direction.

She took off, and I waited for her to disappear from sight.

Her ship flashed a goodbye, and I lost her from my sight.

She was gone.

More tears spilled from my eyes, as uncontrollable sobs took over. I clutched my shirt where my heart was. I cried so hard. My poor Nitro.

Going off to fight a war.


And I had let her go.

"She promised, she promised..."
I kept saying to myself.

When she had promised to come back to me, I had promised myself to wait for her. No matter how long.

Space Girl (Keith X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now