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I tried to reach out, my vision blurry.

Their already glowing beings shifted into a seven foot tall monster. Their four eyes opened one by one, and their extremely long lashes bounced. They stretched their muscular arms. They had Nitro's short hair, but it was crazily messy like (f/n)'s.

"W-what do you feel like?"
Pidge asked, mouth agape. She'd forgotten to be afraid in the excitement of this... creature.

They flexed, and grinned.
"Call me Nova! Destroyer of the Galra Empire, the Paladins of Voltron, and-"

Her voice turned grave and hard.
"Don't hurt them!"

"Shut up!"
She yelled at herself, clutching her head and thrashing around.

"Pidge, what's happening?"
Shiro yelled, worried.

"They're having a mental battle, Nitro's fighting for control but..."

"She's losing!"
Nova screeched, and suddenly gripped her stomach in pain.

"Paladins... please... run!"

Shiro grabbed me by the arms, and dragged me toward the Castle.
"Keith, it's time to go."

He said it sternly, but I could tell he didn't want to leave either.

"No! She needs help-"

"There's nothing we can do."

"There's always something!"
I tried to squirm and kick out of his grasp, but Lance and Hunk grabbed my limbs and carried me back.

I whispered, stopping my resistance and becoming desperate. She would be left alone to fight... that thing. And there was nothing I could do about it.

Nova's voice became panicked.
"Keith! We-I'm-really unstable, and I don't want to hurt you! Nova's going to destroy this planet and everyone on it, so please-"

My team hauled me inside the Castle, and the doors began closing.

"-don't come back for me..."

I yelled, trying to break free as Allura started the ship, and began shooting towards the atmosphere.

I could see them from the Castle, watching in horror as Nova smiled sadly and victoriously at the same time, and hurled herself backwards off of the cliff.

Making a huge wave when she hit the water's blue-black surface...

And she didn't come back up.

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