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I called, over the loudspeaker.

Shiro rushed in first, his suit already on and ready for action.
"Yes, Princess?"

"Let's wait until the rest of them get here, shall we?"
Coran suggested, and I nodded.

The rest of the team trickled in, Lance the last one to arrive.

Of course.

"Hey, beautiful. What's goin' on?"

I ignored his attempted flirt.
"Paladins, and Nitro. We've seem to have received a signal from an abandoned ship. Prepare your Lions-"

"Wait. Wait, wait, wait."
Hunk shook his finger and head.

"Is there something wrong?"
I raised an eyebrow accusingly.

"Remember the last time we got a distress signal? And the one before that? Who says this isn't a trap?"
He challenged back.

"What happened last, last time?"
Nitro asked, unaware of the fake call before the one on her first mission.

Before I could respond, Hunk cut in.
"I knew there was something suspicious going on when I saw that the pipe was cracked, but nothing around it. I mean, if it really broke, wouldn't the rest be broken too?! I knew there was something fishy with those guys... I told you guys, but-"

"Okay! We get it!"
The Paladins groaned, and Nitro laughed at their reactions.

"But then what happened?"

"NYMA STOLE MY LION, THAT'S WHAT!" Lance burst out suddenly.

"Wait, Nyma?"

"Yeah, you know her?"

Nitro became visibly uncomfortable.
"I might have run into her..."


"We just got into a fight. I don't remember when, Lance."
She shrugged, looking away.

"Wow, do all the hot girls know each other?" Lance flirted.

I continued anyways.
"Anyways, we're going. The Paladin code states that-"

"Yes, we know, we know. Help everybody we come across."
Hunk grumbled.

"Then it's settled. Paladins, get to your hangers. We leave at once."

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