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EYYYY the 50th chapter! As a little celebration, send me fanart (drawings, edits, collages, etc.) and I'll post your submissions and credit you! They can be self made, or if not, please send me the artists name so I can give credit to their work! Thanks you guys, I never thought I'd get so many reads on my book!!!


Spazz led us to an illuminated smooth cement area, where a dark hood with a four-eyed bird mask waited in the center for us, looming.

"Nice to see you again."
The flat, sarcastic voice sneered.

"Yeah, I thought we said we were going to go for brunch?"
I rolled my eyes, scoffing.

"Aw, you haven't changed a bit."

"Says you. Nice hoodie, by the way."

She ignored my comment.
"If you haven't changed, you'll know that I have. Why did you come? I'm surprised you dared to even show up."

Pidge and Spazz stood behind me, away from danger.

"Why else would you be waiting here? Couldn't leave you."
I teased, knowing she had nothing better to do than wait in the dark for me to show up and fight her.

"Admit it, you're still obsessed with me." G challenged, getting mad.

"Me? No, not really. But you are. Zarkon doesn't need you now?"

I heard Spazz muster a cough, and Pidge laughing at his lameness.

She ignored them.
"How'd you get out here, without Keith noticing you were gone?"

"Wait, how-"
I glared at Spazz, who was waving his hands in protest.

"Haggar taught me some things."
She shrugged, and I took a fighting stance. G only chuckled.

"Let's see if she taught you enough to beat me, huh?"

I drew my whips, and a fire similar to the lamp orbs around us. She pulled a dark blade from her cloak. I swung at her with my whips, lashing them out. She shadow travelled away, and my whips left burning marks in the smooth concrete ground.

I grit my teeth, and she laughed.
"Would this be enough?"

I swung again, and she shadow travelled behind me. I swung, hitting her cloak. I grinned maniacally.
"Not even close."

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