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"Nitro, you up?"
Shiro entered the small house, and I nodded, my hair sticking up.

He led me to a quaint garden, where Pidge, Hunk, and Allura were already waiting on a wooden carved bench. Lance was probably still sleeping.

"What have you learned?"

"After interrogating locals, who claim they didn't send the distress message, we connected the dots and drew some conclusions."
Pidge started, right as always.

"First off, it could have been an accident. And our arrival set off the Galra ships." Hunk suggested. 

"Or, it wasn't an accident, and these aliens are trying to set us up for the Galra to take Voltron." Shiro declared, and Coran nodded.

"Nonsense! These alien creatures have been most hospitable to us."
Allura humphed, crossing her arms.

"We're just naming possibilities."
Shiro put his hands up in defense.

"Well, do you have any ideas?"
Allura raised an eyebrow at me.

"I was thinking... what if it wasn't sent from these aliens at all?"

"That's ridiculous! Who else could have sent the distress signal-"
Allura snorted, stopping as soon as she realized who I was referencing.

"You don't mean..."
Her hands covered her mouth.

Pidge backed me up.
"No, Nitro's right. If the Galra sent it, they could wait in orbit until the Lions landed. Then, they could steal them."

I nodded at Pidge.

"So then why did they run?"
Hunk asked.

"Because, they were overpowered."
I lied, hoping they'd buy it.

"You got that right!"
Coran yelled, flexing his arms.

Shiro rolled his eyes. You could practically see the 'Quiznack, Coran. Put the noodles away, I can outgun you any day.' on his face.

"If what you're suggesting is true, then that means they'll be back."
Allura said darkly.

"Not necessarily."
I said, without thinking.

They wouldn't be back, I knew. At least, that's what he'd told me. I clutched the small USB like file in my pocket, clenching my teeth.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, there's other worlds to conquer. They're not going to try it again, this one anyways, because they know that we won't fall for their distress call trick again."

Shiro shrugged, and sighed.
"Yes, that sounds right."

"Meeting dismissed. We leave tomorrow with the moon."
Allura claimed, waving her hands.

I turned to go, and Shiro put a hand on my shoulder. I stared at him.
"Good job on the mission, Nitro."

"Thank you."
Was all I could say, when I wanted to scream at him and tell him I'd just made things worse for Keith, for everybody involved with me.

'You have no idea...'
I thought, turning away. As soon as he was out of sight, I broke into a sprint and ran away from Voltron.

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