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We landed, and I slid off of Keith's lap. Walking out, I puffed out my chest. No way I was failing my first mission. I couldn't fail Voltron.

"When we get back, I'm going to teach you how to fly your own ship."


"Who better else to learn it from?"
He raised an eyebrow, grinning.

I laughed, and our boots touched the ground. Small creatures that kind of looked like humans ran around.
"Run! They're coming!"

Shiro stopped one, lifting it up.
"We got your distress signal."

"Distress signal? We didn't send a-"

A nearby explosion blew us off our feet. I protected Keith, wrapping him into my chest and curling up. Several pieces of debris scratched my back.

I looked up, and a huge ship landed. Tall, muscular soldiers stormed out. They headed towards us, guns ready. I couldn't hear, it all sounded like white noise, but I let go of Keith and wearily stood. The Galra would take the Lions, I knew. But they were going to destroy the planet first.

I shot out my whips, and took a running start. I used a huge piece of debris to launch myself into a high jump, swinging wildly. The troop started firing, and I deflected them.

I landed and continued to swing, kicking or knocking weapons aside. I smirked suddenly, and retracted my left whip back into my glove. I twirled the new weapon in my hand, and fired their own weapon against them.

By then, Shiro was up, and so was the rest of the team. I had taken out the first layers, but more lines kept filing in. Keith jumped in front of me, his sword drawn. He glanced sideways at me, his other eye looking out for any sudden attackers. 

"Are you okay?"

All of the sound rushed back into my ears, I could hear screaming and firing shots. I stood by Keith, taking a defensive stance, and touching his arm with my left free fingers.

"I can take care of myself."
I smiled a small smile.

"Nitro... I want to tell you... I need to tell you... uhhh... I... ummm..."

"Whatever it is, now's not the time."
A wave of Galra soldiers stormed the small town, and I dashed towards it.

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