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I saw Nitro fall, and bury her head in her knees. I took out my sword and tried to hack through the bubble. Lance tried to help, but I stopped him, and I did, too.

"Don't hurt her."

The screen above her flickered on.

A school campus with two girls and a... a loud sound going off... everyone started running. Gunshots... one girl was grabbed and pulled backwards. The other yelled, and was shot in the stomach. Stumbling, she grabbed the attacker's gun, and brought the butt of the weapon down on his gut. He fell, and her friend that got taken crawled back. The girl with the gun aimed the tip at the shooter on the ground, eyes bleary and filled with rage. The other screamed, reached her hand out for her friend to stop, but...

She screamed, an echo now.

I flinched, closing my eyes as the trigger was pulled. The screen flickered off, and Nitro was silent.

We were all speechless.

'Nitro had been the one who shot the gun man.' I realized. 'Why does she look so...'


"Now do you see what I mean?"
Cloak taunted.

"I don't care! She's still my friend!"
I yelled, loud enough for Nitro to look up from her knees. She was scared, and I clenched my fists.

"Now let her go."
I commanded, holding my sword in her direction menacingly.

"How could I? You still know nothing about your imposter of a friend..."

"I know that she's better than you!"

I heard a slight gasp from G.
"How dare you! I'll shatter you-"

Nitro suddenly exploded.


A bright flash of light and a sonic boom knocked us all backwards. My hearing was fuzzy, surrounded by white noise. I blinked a couple times.

Nitro was a glowing a yellow white, her eyes bright white. She grabbed G by the collar of her cloak, burning through the fabric. I watched in horror as she twisted, and threw G. Her bird mask skidded off her face, and long hair fell from under her hood.

All the sound rushed back to me at once, like a wave of fear.

"It was you."
I said out loud, maybe a bit too loudly, and G glared at me. Nitro turned, losing her color.

"Keith... I..."

"She saved you, and you return the favor by torturing her?!"
I yelled at G, and she only glared.

"You needed to know what a destructive monster she was. And by the looks of it, she still is."

G glanced at Nitro, and she slowly stood, holding a hand up to send the troop back to their ship.

"You're not going anywhere."
Nitro growled, swinging her whips out at G. She was too stunned to move, and the impact sent her flying.

My vision was clear again, just as the troop started shooting at us.

I summoned my shield, holding it in front of her. I put an arm on hers.
"Let's get out of here."

She blinked at me, holding her head.
"It hurts so much..."

"What's wrong?"

"My head... it's killing me..."

Wasting no time, I dropped the shield and carried her. Red opened its mouth, and started closing it immediately.

G laughed, a maniacally hurt laugh.
"I'll see you again, (l/n)!"

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