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I felt (f/n) lift her head.

I lifted mine to come face to face with her. And we grinned wildly at the exact same time.

See, the call we'd had on my way to the arena wasn't just a hello.

It was a plan.

We had agreed to faking out the Empire, to control our fusion and come back stronger and defeat them once and for all. Everything we did in the arena was pre-planned. The knife she'd stabbed me with? Nothing more than a hologram. The only thing that I hadn't expected was the Paladins watching the fight. (F/n) was on our side now, fighting the Empire.

Her motive for treason?

I remembered her words so clearly.

"He loved you. I loved him."

And once she had seen Spazz sacrifice himself for me, it wasn't hard to make her decision.

I took her hand, slowly standing up myself before pulling her up.

There was a secret part to this planet, that's why (f/n) had chosen it. She waved a handful of dark light to illuminate the cave.

We walked through, and once we got to the end of the tunnel, (f/n) lifted the curtain of foliage.

A serene and quiet grassland greeted us, small bioluminescent orbs floating around. A large pond of clear liquids was surrounded by crystal rocks. Different colors gleamed back at us, the nymph like creatures in the water reflecting light back every time they surfaced. They were small, but had fins and insect wings.

Everything was so perfect here.

I took a seat on the crystal rocks, popping off my shoes and dipping my toes in the water. She followed.

After a long silence, I smiled at her.

"Where did we go? What did we do? I think it was something entirely new."

She laughed, singing along.
"And it wasn't quite me, and it wasn't quite you, I think it was someone entirely new."

(F/n) paused, then sang by herself.
"Oh... um... well I just can't stop thinking... so... um..."

"Did you say I was different?"
I grabbed her hand.

"And you hadn't before?"

"Of course not. When would I have ever?"

"I'm so sorry-"
And she meant it.

"No, no, don't be."

"And now you're here forever!"
She wailed, standing up and walking away. I followed.

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

I took her hand again.
"Well, you're here too. We're here together."

We hummed in sync, swaying and twirling. I felt my ears burning, a good burning. We fused, and Nova opened her eyes.

"Yes... I missed fusion..."

I practiced walking around, throwing some combat strikes to get more comfortable. I tried a flip, and landed on my butt. I laughed.

"That was fun."


It was kind of odd talking to myself, but I knew I wasn't alone. My two parts were listening. They were here. My grin faded suddenly.

"But... Keith?"

"I miss him."

"I promised!"
I gasped out loud.

"I promised what?"

"I would come back."

"Then I should go. I should go back for him. I miss him so much."

I unfused. My head didn't hurt so much as last time, but only because Nova hadn't used powers.

"(F/n), are you sure you want to come with?"

"Of course. It's not like the Galra are expecting me to be back anytime soon."
She chuckled, joking about our faked deaths.

I felt a pang of realization.

"Keith thinks I'm dead..."

"Even more of a reason to leave as soon as possible."

I nodded, and we ran to my ship.

It took forever, but by my calculations, we would arrive on the Castle in a day. The exact day I was planned to return.

My poor Keith.

We took off. I swore mentally.
'I promised, didn't I?'

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