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As soon as I left, my smile dropped.

My poor Keith.

It was so weird in space, without him by my side. It was quiet. When I was with him, it was usually quiet. But this was a different noise. I couldn't hear his breathing, or his heartbeat. I couldn't feel his hand holding mine. And I couldn't see him, his precious little face that lit up every time he saw me smile.

I missed him already.

The trip to the planet took a whole day. In which I spent stretching and preparing for battle. I'd left my helmet behind, and made a new one. This one had no communicator. I also disabled the tracking device on my ship. They couldn't find me. Anywhere.

A video call. From the Apprentice. We talked, uncertain at first but then, after an exchange of motives, we agreed to the course of events.

After a whole day, I landed. It was a conquered planet, taken by the Galra. There was nothing striking about the place, the fighting arena was huge and made of stone. Dirt floor stretched from one side to the other. I watched her carefully from the other side of the arena.

I glanced up at Lotor, for a brief second. A robot like the one Pidge used to have was staring back at me. It was recording, and a screen showing the Paladins was enormous and showing their reactions. How despicable.

He wanted them to watch me die.

I hadn't planned for this.

Shiro said something, to me I assumed. I couldn't hear. There was no sound from the screen.

I took a fighting stance, and so did the Apprentice. I smirked at her.


"Ready to finish this."

She shot a blast of dark energy at me, and I dodged, making a sweeping motion and knocking her backwards. She didn't fall, only touched her fingers to the ground and slid backwards. And that's how it was. We'd swing at each other, never using our weapons. I wondered if Haggar had used magic to enhance her powers.

A blast to the chest confirmed it.

I flew back, landing on my feet and charging again. I raised a light filled punch, but was frozen suddenly.

I saw her blade enter my stomach, the exact spot I'd been shot in.

Time unfroze, and I screamed in sheer pain. I dropped, gasping on the floor. I looked at the Paladins from their place on the screen.

Keith was horrified. I could actually see his heart breaking.

I promised.

I stood shakily, slowly. I pulled the blade out of my stomach, tossing it back to her. She caught it, and threw it aside. It skittered to the other side of the arena.

"I don't need it to kill you."

I powered up my own hands, filling with light. She came at me with her fist full of dark magic. We sprinted at each other and jump punched, our knuckles interlocking perfectly.

A blast of mixed energy shattered the recording robot, and killed most soldiers watching. Haggar raised a force field to protect Lotor.

The dust cleared, two bodies left in the crater we'd made.

Lotor looked down at our charred bodies, scoffing.

"It's over, isn't it?"
He asked Haggar.

"Yes, my Prince."

"Then leave them here as a reminder of our victory."

"But we lost the Apprentice, sir?"

"To destroy their warrior? Worth it."

I heard them leave, and I blinked myself into unconsciousness.

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