Chapter 53

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I tried my best to hold back tears as my mum walked towards the airport, me and my dad trailing behind her. My dad was trying to comfort me but all it did was remind me of the times when Geo would comfort me. When Geo would cuddle with me and kiss me and show me how much I mean to him. Now I'm leaving to England. It's actually happening.

"Juwany isn't someone to be trusted." My dad then said out of nowhere. "You can't trust boys like that."

I didn't argue back because I could understand why my dad thinks that. It just shows how much he cares about me. And anyway, maybe he is right? To be honest I don't even know who Geo is properally.. I thought I did but I was wrong.

I didn't reply and felt my heart beat quicken when we got in the que to leave. A fan recognised me and took a picture with me. But, when she realised why I was in the airport her face dropped.

"Why does she have to leave?" She then asked my parents. "Why can't she just stay in America where she is happy?"

"Why can't she stay in America where she is happy?" My mum gasped, giving out an angry laugh. "Look at her. Does this show happiness to you?"

I rolled my eyes when my mum said that. The reason why I'm not happy is because i'm leaving America.

"Can't you see what that boy has done to her?" My mum carried on, obviously not caring about the fans heart broken expression. "He's broken her-"

"Okay that's enough!" I snapped, giving the fan a hug. The fan didn't say anything to me, she just ran to her friend and began telling her everything. The friend then gave my mum a dirty look.

"Mum!" I spat, glaring at her furiously. "You don't know the full story!"

My mum didn't reply. She folded her arms and stared forwards, looking as if she wanted to punch someone. I wouldn't be surpised if that "someone" was Geo.

Where is Mario though? It's almost been two hours since I left his house, surely he'd be here by now? I'm standing right by the entrance in a long que so I can see everyone who walks in the airport and they can see me. 

I can't leave to go to England. But I can't just run out, it's not going to work. But then again, isn't that what I'm going to do when Mario comes? Maybe this entire plan wont work out..

Just as I was about to attempt to run out, I heard the fan who came up to me squeal with joy. 


I turned around and prepared myself to run. I grabbed my suitcase, spun around and ran to a figure who I figured wasn't Mario the second I began to run. I stopped in my tracks, slightly skidded and then tumbled backwards after I looked up. The boy didn't even smile, he just stared at me in shock.

It was Geo. 

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