Chapter 133

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Lucy's POV

"GEO!" I cried as I saw him getting pulled into the entrance. I have been waiting for him for what seems like ages, Mario and Ariel had to leave because they were so bored. But I didn't care, I just wanted to see him. The second the nurse who I have a bad feeling about (turns out her name is Acacia) told me what happened I burst into tears and ran over here to greet him. 

"He's asleep right now." Someone said, walking quickly towards a room to take him to, me trailing behind him with shocked and upset eyes. 

I then watched them take Geo into his room and drop him on his uncomfy looking bed.

"Can I stay with him?"

The doctor nodded with a warm, sympathetic smile. I took a seat next to Geo's bed whilst staring at his beautiful but beaten up face with worry. 

"He'll be okay." The doctor nodded, soon after patting my back and leaving the room. 


I felt my heart beat rush in excitement when Geo woke up, his tired eyes just about managing to open. He stared around the room in confusion with his half open eyes, and then stared at me in happiness, his eyes turning wide. 

I didn't say anything. I just burst into tears and ran up to him for a hug. Geo sat up after seconds of me crying on his chest and instantly went in for the kill. He leaned in close, asking for a kiss. I sat down on his lap and allowed his lips to touch mine whilst his hands hugged my waist. 

Before you knew it we were kissing whilst lying down on the bed, laughing while feeling butterflies explode in our stomachs. Geo then let out wet kisses on my neck and put his hand up my top. I allowed him to this time, no panic rushed into my mind. Instead all I could think of was that I was with Geo, happy and safe. But his hand reached my bra and this was when I couldn't help but tense up. 

"Geo.." I whispered as he gave me hickeys on my neck. 

He didn't reply. I stared at him as he kissed me like it was our last day together. His hand was finding the clip of my bra, and this was when the panic began stopping me from thinking or breathing properly. 

Am I really having an anxiety attack right now? What is wrong with me..

"Geo." My voice had now turned stern, and he looked up at me in surprise. 

"S-sorry.." He stammered, his hand quickly escaping out of my top. I could see his cheeks blush bright red, but this only made me feel incredibly guilty. 

"Another time." I told him whilst trying my best to give him a bright smile. He smiled back and then carried on kissing my lips. His top was off and his hand soon found itself inside of my top again. But instead of unclipping my bra, he pulled my top off so he could see me in just my bra. I felt my cheeks burn in embarrassment and my legs tremble. 

We've been dating for a while so he has every right to do this. But why aren't I enjoying it as much as I should? Why do I feel more worry than happiness?

My breathing began going fast as Geo's kisses went lower. Just as they went to go below my collar bone I sharply sat up, trying to control my breaths. Geo sat up with me and stared at me with shocked eyes.

"Are you okay?"

I didn't reply, I simply tried to breath slower. 


"I'm so sorry Lucy." He gasped when my breathing went quicker. "You can put your top on if you want, I don't mind."

"No Geo... everything is fine." I knew that what I said wasn't true, but I wanted us to carry on kissing because I knew that if we stopped because of my stupid anxiety I'd regret it later, it's defiantly happened to me before. 

So I went in to kiss him again. A smile flashed on Geo's face as I laid back down on the bed, Geo lying down next to me. 

This all felt like a dream.  The most hottest boys my eyes have ever looked upon is kissing me, putting my top off and giving me hickeys. But no, it wasn't a dream... it was real.

I changed my username!! :D Also did you guys enjoy this chapter? This type of writing is not my thing but if you guys want to see more if it I can do that x

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