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Song - Conor Maynard covers (ft. Beckie Eaves)| Mario, Crying out for me
The song relates so much to the chapter so why not. Please Listen to it, you'll know what I mean!

Author's note - 5th August 2019 -
since there has been a lot of misunderstandings and confusion, I want to clarify that the prologue happened 5 years before chapter one which is present time.

Adriana's POV

~5 years ago~


My heavy eyes started to peel open as I heard his mesmerising thick voice echoing in the distance. It made a smile form on my face as my stomach was filled with butterflies, he had finally come.

My heart raced as my ears caught his voice again and I just open my eyes and expect to see him already. I wanted to get up and tell him that I love him so much because I felt as though I hadn't said it enough.


His voice was like tune to my ears and I was never going to get tired of it because I love it. The way he calls me really warms my heart because it makes me feel like I am beautiful. How can someone like him be so doting and caring to me when he has the other side of him that everyone fears except me?


My heart skips a beat again as my name rolls of his tongue, it kills me.


My body began to tense when his voice didn't really sound like before, in fact his exasperated voice bounced between the walls and it bemused me. He was nowhere to be seen as I furrowed my brows and wondered why he was calling me like that. His voice seemed firm and agitated tat it really haunted me because I've never heard him this desperate.

"Adriana? Stop playing games with me!"


My brows snap into a furrow again when I set my gaze around my surroundings because I did not recognise this place at all.

How in the world did I get here?

As I wondered where I was, I began to search my surroundings with just my gaze and I saw that the windows were barricaded with metal so there was no life in the room, it also made the room windowless which encouraged the bundle of nerves to just kick in in my stomach and devour my insides. The whole room was filled with darkness and I disliked it. The damp smell of the room was unbearable; it reeked of fresh blood which made my body suspend in apprehension.

"Adriana? Where the fùck are you? Stop playing with me and come out!"

Soon, all my worries and nerves dissipated when I was able to feel the sensation my surroundings were providing me with but I was still beyond confused. The air was cold and just dirty I was able to feel that. He called out again and as he did, I could help but notice how he seemed very worried and agitated, it began to encourage my suspicion that none of this was going to end well. However, I convinced myself that everything was going to be alright because he was here and I felt safe.

"Adriana, quit playing games with me. I am being serious. Please come out! Please.."

His deep hysterical voice reached closer to me as it had become louder, my head shot to the direction of where it was coming from and it was from that steel door. I get up once I hear his voice only to be plummeted back down when my back was in unbearable pain. Pain travelled through my spine as I endeavoured to get up therefore, I crawled to the door. Once I reached the door, I noticed there was a small window that revealed what was on the other side. I pulled myself up and glanced through it to see the most agonising sight ever.

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