Chapter forty three

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Adriana's POV

"Call us when you land, Okay?"

I nodded my head as Rosalina wraps her arms around both me and Dante who had just reached the bottom of the stairs. Once we pull away from her, I smile at mom who stood behind her.

"Cara, enjoy your time and don't think too much about anything." Mom told me as I reached her, "If you need anything, be sure to speak up and... stay safe."

"Valentina, you have nothing to worry about." Dante appeared as he placed his hand on mom's shoulders. Mom turned her gaze to him and gave him a small smile, "We have everything we need to be protected. Adriana will be safe."

As usual, if I had travelled abroad I would've taken a flight there but this was not the case here; it was not that simple. Since Dante was taking us on this trip, we were going to travel there in his private jet. At first, I was struck by the idea of travelling in a jet with no other passengers but as time came by, I was eased by the idea. Like he always would, Dante refused and did not leave a single place for an argument of taking a private jet and I understood him because of the circumstances. I was aware I was in grave danger, now that I know that Antonio was alive.

We made our to the private jet in Dante's car as he drove there himself. When Dante told me that he was going to take me to Italy, I was so excited however, not as much because I didn't want to go alone. It was only this morning that I found out that Fabio, Tony and Mia would be joining us and I never felt so grateful in my entire life, to go to a beautiful country with the people I feel most comfortable with.

For as long as I could remember, every time I travelled in my life I would be held under his captive. Although my freedom was right in front of me, I had no authority to actually take it because Antonio had this power over me that I could never conquer.

I snap back to reality when Dante caressed my hand before he held it in his.

"We're here Gattina."

We step out of the car and make our way to the private jet. As we approach it, I realise that there was two jets ready to be used.

"Dante? Who else is coming with us? Why is there two jets?"

"That one is for Tony, Fabio and Mia." He point at the one that was on our left, he then turned his attention back to the one we were approaching. "This one is for us."

My brows snap into a furrow when I look at Dante who maintained a hard glare. I blink a couple of times when Fabio, Tony and Mia came into my sight only to be heading towards the other jet. They were at quite a distance which was why they looked so small but I realised who they were when Mia waved her arms at me. I just smiled despite the fact that she really couldn't see me.

"What? Why couldn't they travel with us in one jet?" I ask,

"I want to travel alone with you gattina, is that a problem?" He glanced at me with a smirk and I just turned away to look straight ahead, fighting off the smile on my lip. Honestly, Dante always had his ways to make me smile and he didn't even had to try.

When we got in, I was automatically mesmerised. I never thought that something like a private jet would have me completely struck but this exact jet was just so beautiful. It was beautifully designed with leather seats and a couple of cup holders. The private jet also was designed with a thick plush carpet and I never seen anything like that.

"Dante, this is yours?"

I watch Dante with my face dropped as he nodded his head. My father had his fair share of private jets but nothing like this. This was all luxurious, nothing compared to what Antonio and Destefano had.

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