Chapter thirty five

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Adriana's POV

The only true meaning of content was when there was no such thing to worry about instead, just go on as life goes. Relief washed over my body as I left the estate with the girls to go around places I have never been in. We went to a lot of places, took pictures, ate food and then did a lot of shopping. To keep my mind off things, Mia suggested that we do some roaming around in the city as it would be refreshing and she was right; it had done me good as now, I am returning back to the estate with a fresh mind.

When we were done, we decided to head back to the estate. We reached there and that's when everyone began to part their ways. Mia helped me with my stuffs as now, we were heading to my room.

"Hey, you heard about the party?" She asked,

A furrow makes its way to my brows as I throw her a confused stare,


"Yes, the one Dante scheduled for the following week."

"Oh? Why?"

Mia stopped in front the room door before she turned to me. A huge smile was painted across her face as she watched me with so much appreciation that I had no idea where this happiness was coming from.

"Honestly Adriana, if I knew I would've answered you." She said, "However, to be honest with you I really think it's you."

My head snap towards her before I shake my head, I begin to walk through my room and place my things down.

"No Mia... I did not-"

"Yes! Yes you did. Come on, there was never once a damn party at the Lombardi estate." She chirped while she threw her arms up in the air, "Oh, I'm so happy you're back in his miserable life!" She pulled me into a hug.

I begin to lose myself in my thoughts as I settle in Mia's embrace; she was right. My chin rests on her shoulder before a small smile settles on my lips. Dante was beginning to become himself again and I was actually quite glad that he was. I wanted to change everything to how it was like before because Dante did not deserve any of the heartbreak he had endured in the last years.

"So.. when is this party?" We pull away from each other and just talk,

"Dante said it's next week but knowing Dante," she sighed before she rolled her eyes, "that man is never organised. I don't think the party has a date." She laughed which only made me laugh,

Silence filled us as we had nothing else to say. I sat down on the bed as I began to think about why Dante was throwing this party and also, thinking about where he is right now. I remembered that Dante had left early this morning for some business he had to handle and hadn't returned since.

"Oh!" Mia gasped which caused me to snap out of my reverie. I glance at Mia who held a huge smile on her face before she sat on the bed excitedly, "I know when the party can take place!"

"Oh yeah?" I chuckle, "When?"

"Next week, on his birthday!"

I stopped handling the bags that were on the bed and dropped it as realisation dawned upon me that Dante's birthday was approaching. My heart fluttered for a second as I also realised how this would be his first birthday that I would be here to celebrate with him after eight years. The last time we did this was eight years ago, when I told him how much I loved him. My face dropped as I watch Mia with shock, that was actually a good idea.

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