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Song - Michele Morrone - Feel it

Adriana's POV

My heart exploded as I watch her in my arms, sleeping like an angel. The sweet newborn smell reached my nose as I brought her closer to me and caressed her cheeks with the tip of my nose. Her small button nose scrunched up at the contact before she fretted. Although I was not her mother, this feeling was the best feeling in the world because I am a mother myself and I've experienced exactly this nearly a year ago.

"Mia, She is beautiful." I whisper as I coo at her daughter.

Mia's little bambina has finally arrived after a long wait and we were so happy. I was elated when I learned that she had a girl, Ilaria was going to be a big sister to a beautiful little girl.

"I know." She whispered, I glance up at her to find her smiling. "I just... I can't believe she's mine."

"Get used to it," I chuckle as I stood up and handed her the baby, "because this little girl with call you mamma and you will fall in love with her more as each day passes."

Mia glance up at me with her round eyes as a small smile crept upon her lips.

"Is that how you feel?"

"Mia, I love Ilaria more than Dante." I chuckle, "Just don't tell your brother that."

Just as Mia intended to reply, the hospital door swung open and both our attention landed on the racket. My facial expressions immediately changed when Ilaria waddled in, being very vocal.

"Ahhhhhhh, la farfalla della mamma è qui!" I chirp as she ran towards me.

Ilaria is at an age where everything was animated to her, she was very expressional and vocal with everything. Therefore, everything changes when I'm around Ilaria. I put on a different mom voice and the atmosphere itself changes wherever she enters. It's like as if that if I speak to her with a normal toned voice, she would watch me like I was crazy. My heart melted when she glanced over at Mia who had the new baby in her arms. A huge smile spread across Ilaria's face as she pointed at Mia and jolted deliriously. My baby was going to turn one in a few days, and I don't think I was ready for that.

"Mamma!" She babbled as she began to smack her hands together, I stroke her hair and kiss her head.

"Sì piccola, that's your new baby cousin." I say,

Both me and Mia were so distracted by Ilaria that we had not yet noticed how the boys had walked in. I look away from Ilaria and catch Dante's gaze as he captivated me with his.

There was always something about this man that I could never get over.

"oh mio Dio! Mia, she's so beautiful." Tony chirped as he blinked multiple times and slowly approached her. Mia bit her lips to prevent herself from bursting into tears because this was definitely not the reaction she was anticipating.

When Mia fell pregnant, she was too afraid to tell the family so she gave me the responsibility, to tell Dante at least. At first, Dante was worried and definitely not happy but as weeks past, he was eased with the fact that Mia was pregnant.

To this day, Mia still has not informed me about the father of her child, and it makes me sad that she was planning to keep the father away however, it was her choice which meant it was for a good reason.

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