Chapter twenty nine

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Adriana's POV

"Hey, what do you think about these?"

I divert my attention back to Mia who was surfing through the internet shopping online for me. Mia suggested that we do some online shopping to take my mind off things but I soon come to learn that this was Dante's idea. I refused at first because I did not want to spend any money, especially not Dante's but she insisted. Dante insisted.

I look at the laptop screen and see that Mia picked a couple of beautiful blouses and I nodded my head.

"They're so pretty." I say, "But it's cold season now, I don't think these are suitable to wear in the cold." I shake my head and smile at her as her face scrunches into realisation that it was true. Blouses in this season was not going to work.

"Okay. Fine. We'll look at jumpers." She piped, I just nodded my head agreeing with whatever she wanted to look for.

I continue to linger in my own thoughts while Mia was going through all the different types of jumpers we could purchase. It had been a whole day since I have seen Dante and to be honest, ever since I have got here I never felt the need to see him so much like today. Yesterday was something I never thought I would feel; just the touch of his palms sent electric waves to my stomach and I was mad at myself for even feeling like this. However, I couldn't help myself at all. I frown as I reminisce what happened yesterday and just felt content despite the fact that I'm still trying right now to ignore the feeling of his hand attached to mine.

"Mia... can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

"What happened to the hideout?"

Although this was not the question I was aiming to ask, I still regretted asking it because it had Mia confused. I wanted to ask Mia about Dante but my mind was not letting me. In fact, I did not have the courage to ask about Dante because I know Mia will start suspecting.

Mia glanced over her shoulders before she closed the laptop and placed it on the bed. She then turned around and faced me while I was watching her, waiting for an answer.

"Nothing happened to the hideout Adriana. Why do you ask?"

"It's just that... why am I here then? I was fine with the hideout."

Mia just giggled before she placed a hand on my shoulder and beamed a smile at me,
"I don't know! Maybe you earned yourself a special space in Dante's heart." She giggled,


I threw my gaze at her as shock filled me at her comment, in fact I was choked. I watch her as her smile slowly fades away when she realises how I did not laugh with her.

"Jesus Adriana," Mia exhaled, "I was only kidding."


"To be honest Adriana, I don't know why you're here in the estate. When we were given the green light that you're no longer in danger, Dante demanded that the rest of your treatment should be done here at the estate."

I close my eyes and feel my heart just quiver; to even hear this just left me in complete disbelief because a month ago, Dante hated my guts. None of this just made any sense.

"But I've got to say, ever since you have come Dante has changed... in a good way of course."

"What do you mean?" I narrow my eyes at her as I urge her to speak,

"Well... he interacts more now and get himself involved with a few things here and there. When you were in coma, he visited this room frequently. Whenever I used to come in here to check on you, I would always find him here." She chuckled before a small smirk played on her lips, "I mean... for someone that isn't part of his family, I've never seen Dante care about someone this much."

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