Chapter thirteen

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Adriana's POV

Unconscious I was until I felt a very unsettling breeze just run past my face. My brows knitted together when I began to feel again and as soon as I did, I felt agonising pain all over my back. My eyes beg to open but for some reason, I couldn't. I hear the sounds of water dripping and the echoing around me; where on earth was I?

As I try to recall anything, I remember Matt and begin to panic because the last time I've seen him was at the restaurant before the shooting.

"M..Matt.." I whisper as I try to get rid of my parched throat.

I finally open my eyes but they flickered open meaning that they would close every second before they opened again. I felt drowsy because I couldn't keep my eyes open and each time I did, my vision was blurred.

Suddenly, two sets of heavy foot steps made their way to my ears and I immediately felt the goosebumps on my skin. In the many attempts to keep my eyes opened, through my blurred vision I saw two bulky and very huge silhouettes just towering me with their tall frame. They stood there for a few seconds as it seemed like they were watching me before they turned around and walked away. I knew they didn't go too far because I still felt them very much near me.


I turned my head slightly to my right despite my vision still blurred and saw the two bulky men kicking something. I blink a couple of times again until finally, my vision is cleared but what I see was beyond what I expected.

They were kicking another person who was lying unconscious on the floor.

I begin to moan when I felt the queasiness that stirred in my stomach because that was so disgusting. I quickly sit up as I feel the bile just making its way up and just throw up everywhere. Both my hands were on the floor as I saw how bloodied and bruised they were and when I looked away from what I threw up which was only clear liquid, everything began to... spin?

I felt so dizzy because I sat up way too quickly, my field of vision was minimised because of the lack of consciousness my body was experiencing. Nevertheless, I remained very much awake because of these men. When they spoke, I flinched and immediately came back to life,

"Ti ho trovato!" One of the two bulky men said in another language as they both stood right in front of me watching me empty my stomach out. I didn't realise until they spoke.

I look away from them and roll my eyes as I place my hands on the floor to support myself. Being the brave person I thought I was, I attempted to get up but miserably failed. The room was filled with their chuckle which was so deep and so dangerous.

"Povera piccola cosa," One of the men creeped towards me in a cautious type move, acting like as if I would freaking bite but I only knew that they were mocking me. They began to laugh as they saw what type of reaction that I was giving them; it was absolutely nothing. Literally nothing. "Capo sta per essere sorpresi."

From what my mother taught me in these three years, I learnt two things. She taught me how to speak Italian and understand it and she taught me to never speak in another language in front of people unless I am told to because it was rude. To say that these men were gentlemen's really made me want to gauge my eyes out because they were definitely not. I glare up at them in my bloody state and watch them in rage because all I saw was red.

"Sta 'zitto e ottenere una mossa!"

My despicable glare pinned the other man who didn't speak at all in any of this because he was too busy laughing. However, when he yelled it seemed as though his demeanour rapidly changed from a joker's mood to a píssy mood but I wasn't having it. I should be the one here to be mad because I have no idea where I am and who these people were.

DON AMORE (Mafia Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now