Chapter sixty

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Adriana's POV

She was an absolute dream.

My heart was filled to the brim as I watched my daughter sleeping soundly in my arms while silence surrounded us. It was so peaceful to be here and watch my Ilaria sleep like she never did before. A small smile spread across my lips as I continued to gaze at her; I was so in love I just couldn't stop.

My daze was cut short when I felt another presence enter the lounge and instantly claimed it was Dante as I was waiting for him however, when I glanced up at the doorway, I found myself watched Fabio entering the estate.

When he noticed me, he stopped in his tracks and watched me before his attention flickered towards Ilaria.

"Ciao," He said as he stood at the doorway, "is everything okay fiore?"

"Yes, I'm waiting for Dante to arrive." I reply before a small frown settled on my lips, "Fabio, you haven't seen her yet."

I watched Fabio with a frown as I stood up on my feet with Ilaria in my arms. She was wrapped in her blankets and all cozied up against my chest. Fabio watched me a for a few seconds before he blinked a couple of times and then began to saunter towards me. It was like as if he was dreading to meet a baby.

When he reached me, he smiled and then settled himself down on the couch.

"Come on fiore, let me have a look."

"Here, take her." I say as I gently hand her to his arms.

Fabio was quiet in that moment as soon as Ilaria was in his arms, he watched her intently as she stirred in her sleep. Her tiny hands escaped from being wrapped in a swaddle and waved in the air as she yawned. Fabio watched her like as if he has not seen a baby in his entire life. Ilaria stirred a little more before she stopped and then completely settled on Fabio.

"Oh," he gasped, "she is so beautiful."

A huge smile escaped from my lips as I watched him bonding with her, even though she was asleep. However, when Fabio spoke Ilaria immediately woke up and began to gaze at him. Fabio smiles down at her and then kissed her tiny hands.

"What have you name my little petalo, Adriana?" Fabio asked as he glanced up at me and in that moment, my heart dropped. Fabio was crying....


"Ilaria Lombardi."

"I think I want to stick to petalo, it suits her more." He sighed nonchalantly before he chuckled,

Fabio watched her in awe as he slides his finger in-between her tiny hands, Ilaria pouted before another yawn eloped from her lips. Fabio chuckled and he looked at me, I smiled back at him and felt my heart just melt.

"You know, I never thought Dante would ever have a bambina." He says as Ilaria begins to curl her tiny fingers around his thumb, "It's crazy to even get my head around this that my fratello had a child."

"Why?" I found myself asking, "Do you think he's incapable?"

"No Adriana, never. It's never that. As far as I would know, Dante would be a great father, I could just sense it. It's just the fact that based on his past and what he has been through, I never imagined a child in his future. Even the family assumed that he would be everything but a father, but I guess you arrived and changed that for the best."

DON AMORE (Mafia Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now