Chapter fifty seven

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Honestly guys, GET READY FOR THIS!
It is the chapter, that I think this whole entire world was waiting for. Please read and be patient because I'm telling you, there is a lot of drama!


1 week later

Dante's POV

The audacity of that dick!

Ever since that day had occurred, I was in complete disbelief. My security never seemed to fail me but just that one day.

Right now at this very moment, all the boys including me were in the same room discussing on the events that will happen today. We were running through everything that we will be doing so it was pretty busy as fuck.

As the boys got busy, I pull Fabio to a side and whisper to him.

"What's the news on the ratto? Anything?" I murmur as I search through my desk,

"Nothing at the moment because there has been no suspicious activity." Fabio replied as he glanced his way over to the rest of the boys who were focused on the other side of the room, "Looks like he's tired."

"Can I make an assumption?" I ask and Fabio watches me with his brows lifted, an indication that I should carry on, "I don't think Constantino is the exact ratto we're looking for. We have another one right here, under our noses."

"What makes you say that?"

"You see, how the fuck did Martinez get past my security last week? Over the last few years, not one motherfùcker was successful in doing exactly that. Constantino is not here to guide him, and I understand that fact that he could possible know the security without having a look but it just seems... impossible."

"You're absolutely correct.." Fabio was contemplating, "fratello, Who the fû-"

"Ragazzi!" Tony alerted us, "I'm getting something!"

One second we were scattered all over the room and the next, we were huddling the corner that Tony had occupied in the first place.

"What is it?" Fabio queried and just as he did, Mario received a phone call and so left the room to answer it.

"So while you bitches are figuring out a way to deal with the motherfùcker tonight, I have been searching for ways that would rescind this contract." Tony began to tap away on the laptop while I stood behind them, chewing on my lip hoping that whatever he had found or done would be useful to us because for the past week, nothing was in our luck. "Guess what boys, I found it."

"What?" Fabio encouraged him, "What did you find?"

"Firstly, Antonio and Martinez think that receiving this signature from Adriana was the prize for them but what they are not aware of is the fact that at the time this contract was made, Adriana was a minor therefore along with her signature, Destefano or Valentina, a legal guardian or parent are required to sign the contract. This contract had Adriana signature but it definitely does not have either Destefano's or Valentina's the last time I checked."

Tony's revelation had me in bits of joy... relief!

"It also appears that even though if Adriana's signature is enough for them to take her, they cannot exactly keep her as theirs as she is pregnant right now, so technically she should be ours until she... gives birth." Tony says as he finished reading the bullshít of a contract. "Nevertheless, as it is a contract, we cannot terminate it however, we can rescind it. It will only take us back to where we started from."

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