Chapter sixteen

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Adriana's POV

I wrap my arms around my legs as they were brought to my chest. The sound of the water dripping echoed, making me rock back on forth just in time with the echo that somewhat calmed my nerves. It's been days since I've been here and despite the fact that Dante made it clear that night that I should be gone by the time he was back, I was still here.

I was still in the same basement I was first brought into when they had kidnapped me. It's been two days since the encounter with Dante and I've been crying non-stop ever since; I wanted mom and Matt.

I wondered on multiple occasions about what mom was doing right now at this moment and where Matt was. The last time I had seen both of them was that Friday night and here we are right now.

When Dante instructed his men that night to get rid off me, my initial thought was that they were going to end my life right there and then however, that was not the case. Instead, I was back in the basement, locked and now waiting for what's to come next. While I am here, I always pray that I'd just be let go because I didn't want to be here at all, I'd rather be with mom who would support me. I waited those two nights for one of the men to come and just take me but they don't. They do come only to give me food and check up on me.

It was so cold in here, I didn't think I'd survive a night but I've managed two.

Suddenly, the heavy door to the basement opened instantly causing me to whimper. The thought of being handled like how Antonio used to handle me made me panic so whenever anyone would come here, I would curl up against the corner of the room and try to hide because I didn't want any of them to come near me... not even Dante.

Though it had been a few days, I still can't get my head around what had happened. I can't believe that that is Dante. The thought just makes me so helpless. I knew that when I met Dante, that he was a part of the mafia and it was fine to me because my father was apart of one. Based on all this, I could tell already what kind of man Dante is however, I can't really be  sure on it because I no longer know who the man is.

Once I stop hearing the heavy footsteps making its way in, I flinch and look up cowering my head to see who it was. Although it was dark in here, I was still able to see who it was and I was absolutely terrified.

"Stand up."

Fabio instructed me with a tone of voice that I have not yet come across. Since I've encountered him, all he displayed was aggressive behaviour but now, he was not showing any of that. I stood up on my shaking feet and felt like I was being judged so hard which I hated. Fabio stood in front of me with a broad look that he was determined to finish me right there and then but I knew deep down in my mind that he wouldn't do such thing.

"I'm going to ask you once again; what is your name fiore?"

I flinched even when the time of his voice was normal. It was very deep which pushed me to the edge.


I knew I was a very bad liar.

Silence filled the room until he let out a sigh which confused me. I look up to him and see the realisation of something just settling on his face before he turned back to me.

"Why did you come back? You were supposed to be dead."

I couldn't believe this.

I watch this man with nothing but shock as he said what he said and feel completely uncomfortable. My eyes begin to pop out of their sockets as I couldn't fathom this at all. I wanted to shout at him but I couldn't get myself to say it because I didn't want to know why he asked that question. I felt my whole world crashing down to my feet as I watch this man question why I was here.

DON AMORE (Mafia Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now