Chapter fifteen

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Adriana's POV

I slowly felt as though my whole body was floating once my mind regained consciousness and the first thing I felt was the cold breeze. I gotten so used to the fact I'd wake up in the mornings with peace and quiet that when I woke up right now, I felt immediate panic because of the pain that lingered all around my body; it wasn't something I'd experience when I wake up.

"This is all your fault!"

"What the fùck do you mean? How is it my fault?"

"You got the wrong gir- fùck she's awake!"

My eyes eventually open to the same dark four cornered wall I was in earlier that I thought it was in my nightmare however, this had just confirmed that it wasn't. I close my eyes again before I open them to blink a couple of times, trying to remember what I had saw.

Déjà vu. Never really like those, they gave me an aching head.

I search my surroundings to find the two guys; Tony and Fabio towering me with their tall frames. The last thing I remember was that I was being taken to someone and then after that, everything was a blur.

"Ah, you're awake."

My gaze darts one of the men as I search for the voice who said that; it was Fabio. When I pinned my gaze on him, a sarcastic glare was pinned on his face as he crouched down and watched me with so much anger and hatred like I've done something wrong.

I begin to whimper when I feel my head spinning, I was in dire need of water because my throat was parched. I felt the burning sensation begin to form on my arm when I endeavour to move away from these men only to realise that not only have they left me to practically die, but they've also tied me up on a chair.

"Bella? That's not your fùcking name is it?" He spat,

I felt as though he was barking at me because he was close that when he continued, I pulled away from him too far that I tumbled over. I fell backwards and the chair came with me which was the most painful part.

"Hey man, leave it." Tony, the other guy said. He quickly approached me and then grabbed my arm but in a more gentle way than he did before. I flinched at first but when his grip was gentle, I felt myself slowly easing to his touch. "Just help her up."

"Help her up?" Fabio growled, "Stiamo mangiando merda a causa di questa ragazza!"

However, despite what he had just said he still went to help me up. It was like as if he was obliged to do it because if he hadn't, then he would really be eating the shít he claims.

Both men got me up and then turned their gazes at me. I watch them as I tremble with fear under their hard glares. Right now, I wished I could kill them just so I can escape. If I had one wish right now, it was that I hoped the floor would just open up and swallow me because I really didn't want to be here.

It was very clear to me that these men weren't ordinary men, they were much more. As much as I didn't want to admit it but I had a great feeling that they were bigger than drug dealers or more dangerous; they were mafias no doubt. One thing that really got me on the edge was that after managing to escape from the mafia world for three whole years, I've somehow managed to find my way back to it and it really gutted me.

Just as I was about to speak up, my mind ran past the crazy thought of meeting Dante but I immediately dismissed it because it wasn't true. Like I said before, it was déjà vu. Definitely.

DON AMORE (Mafia Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now