Chapter nineteen

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Adriana's POV

I wipe my head as I crouch on the floor, sitting in the corner contemplating what the hell to even do at this point. It has been a few days since I was put into this house and the only person I have seen was Mia and I was quite glad as she was the only person that did not intimidate me.

I look away from the floor to see Mia walk in with the one and only, Matt.

What was he doing here?

"Adriana..." Mia called out but I refused to look up at them, "Come on Adriana, you must speak to him."

"Leave me alone."

"No," Mia kneels down and held my hand, "It's been days and you still haven't spoke to anyone except me. Please speak to Matt."

I get up to get out of their hold however, as I stood up I lost my balance as my head was spinning and began to lean forward and fall flat on my face. Before I fell, Matt quickly ran closer to me to catch me.

"Okay, when was that last time you ate Adriana?"

I didn't answer him as I was too busy annoyed at the fact that Matt was near me; I did not want to be near him at all.

"She didn't eat. All the foods I've bought to her haven't been touched."

He moved me to the other room where I was supposed to sleep on the days I have been held captive, on to the bed and once my head hit the pillow, I felt as though I was living a dream. My body was aching from the stiff muscles, my head was spinning from the lack of food I've been consuming and my stomach growled.

"Adriana, you must eat." Matt stressed as he tried to get me up, "Adriana, please don't do this to yourself."

"Why do you care anyway?" I slurred,

Matt didn't respond to me when he used a little force to get me to sit up, that was when I really woke up. I watch Matt's stern face in front of me as he took the food off Mia who stood at the door and then walked back to me. Mia left and it really bothered me but I realised that I didn't have enough energy to fight or protest because all I need right now was solid food to get me going.

"As your therapist I have the right to be concerned about you." He said as he fed me a spoon of rice. Although the rice was plane, the rich taste really exploded my taste buds and it showed me how deprived of food I was.

"My therapist?" I scoff as I swallow the rice and look at him. I take the plate away from him so I could feed myself because this was getting awkward. Matt let go of the plate but watched me eat. "Are you really a therapist? Is Matt even your real name?"

"Yes, Matt is my name and I am a therapist." He said and I watched him as he frowned at me, "As your therapist, I want to know how you're feeling about the situation. I want to know why you haven't been looking after yourself for the past few days." Before I could protest at his stupid question, Matt cut in again. "And please, put your anger to a side. You can take it all out in a while, I'll be here for you to take it out on."

I look at Matt for a while and just frown at him however, I felt some sort of relief somewhere because although I was at a very sticky situation right now, I had someone I was familiar with to tell to and that Matt. It all cams rushing back to me of how I always used to feel at our sessions, all this felt like the regular appointments I have daily.

"I feel so betrayed and so... so..hurt at so many things. I want my life to just stop at some point but every time I think about it, I try to stop the urge to just do something about it! My head hurts from thinking too much and my body is just too tired to stress about everything that just happens to come back from the past." I feel my tears just run down my face but I don't stop there. I feel Matt scoot closer to me as he wrapped his hand around my hand and listened to me. At the end of the day, that was all I needed. "I want to start over again but every time I want to do that, I'm always faced with the past. I kissed you thinking I was over Dante and it worked for a split second up until I found out that you work for him and that just.... frustrates me! Why? Why Matt? Why didn't you tell me this?"

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