Chapter sixty two

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Dante's POV

My lips parted and a pang of shock punched through my gut as I watched Adriana run up the stairs. I felt like as if she was running away from me because I've done something that hurt her really badly. Even though my mind was encouraging me to go after her, my body didn't let me. My heart shattered when she glanced over her shoulders a few times, crying; this was not how it was meant to be.

My shoulders dropped in disappointment as a dull ache spread across my chest. I clenched my jaws as I held myself back from breaking apart when I looked down at the box and instantly regretted this. I knew this was a bad idea, Adriana wasn't ready. It was clear. So fùcking clear!

I was cut off out of my thoughts when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turn my gaze towards the person that stood next to me and saw it was Tony. The fact that Tony's touch sent me to the reality of this, was when I truly felt the pain. It was more unbearable now when I began to realise that this was all real. The feelings were raw and real when time passes.

"Tony, what the fuck have I done?"

"You haven't done anything wrong. Go to her right now and figure this out between you two because we all know her answer isn't a no." Tony encouraged me, I look at him and suddenly felt like I had another chance.

"Do you think?"

"Sì! Now go!" He exclaimed and pushed me towards the staircase.

With the box held firmly in my hand, I climb the stairs and each step I took, my heart palpitated once again. It was like as if whatever had just occurred did not happen because Tony was right; Adriana would never say no. I just knew it in my heart that, that was not her answer.

I began to hear her soft whimpers as I reach closer to the room, the more I heard it the more I felt that yes, this was the wrong time to ask her.

I gently open the door to see Adriana crying into a pillow as Ilaria was laying next to her. I pushed the box back in my pocket and enter and as soon as I did, it appeared that I somehow caught her attention even though I was quiet. Adriana was completely wrecked, she was crying so hard that it felt like she was bereaved. A burning sensation spread across my whole stomach and chest knowing that I was the cause of this; I hate to see her like this.

When we made eye contact, Adriana got off the bed as we both made our way to each other. Once we reach each other, she slams herself onto my chest and sobs uncontrollably.

"I am so sorry Dante, I really am sorry from the bottom of my heart."

I wrap my arms around her and settle down, no longer experiencing the pain I felt because she was in my embrace. Adriana muffled into my chest as I take her to the bed to sit her down. When she settled on the bed, I pull away and kneel down to watch her.

"Hey, everything is okay. You have no reason to cry, I hate to see you like this." I state as I look up to her.

"No no no! Dante stop lying to me! Nothing is okay, I've ruined everything. Don't pretend that you are not hurt Dante, I know I hurt you because I've seen it in your eyes." She stressed as she cried even more. Her eyes were swollen and red as she watched me, I place my hand on her knees and clench my jaws.

"Okay fine, I admit I am slightly hurt but that does not mean I hate you, that does not mean I don't want to see you. I still love you the way I always did and always will no matter how many times you reject me." I say as a reassurance, Adriana just refused me by shaking her head. It was like as if my words did no justice to her. "Your answer does not define our relationship, I still see the same Adriana."

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