Chapter fifty three

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Dante's POV

She was gone.

Just how I speculated.

When I reached the hospital, my stomach dropped. It just felt like I stopped breathing for a whole minute because Adriana was no longer in her room. The second I realised how all this seemed fùcking strange, I knew I had lost her.

Everything I've ever done from putting Adriana through shít to taking her back was rushing towards me like a tornado once again because I knew I would not be getting her back. Adriana was gone and it was my fault; if anything happens to her it's all my fault.

"How are you sure that it is him? I mean I'm not saying it's not him but you don't have any proof or evi-"

"It's actually common sense, just shut the fùck up." Tony cut in as he flicked through some papers.

I snapped out of my reverie to face Mario and Tony bickering, while Fabio and Juliàn were dealing with security. I stood near the window of this room and just tried to get my head around this once again; one second she was literally right in front of me then the next, she was gone just like that.

How could I be so stupid?

I should've known better.

"Dante, have a look at this."

I turn my attention towards Fabio who held an iPad in his hand. I approach him in silence as I wait for him to speak.

"Look at this text message, we were all sent the same shít. It was all a set up just so we can be away from the hospital. That way, Adriana would've been taken away so easily."

"The app we set up sent us to that destination which means that it was done by someone we know." I muttered under my breath, "Someone on our side done this. We have a ratto in our house and we've have it for weeks. Why the fùck haven't we got rid of it?"

"Who could it be?" Tony asked as he stepped forward,

"Constantino?" Juliàn suggested with his deep voice, unexpectedly. We all turned our attention on him as he lifted a brow. "Since he has gone AWOL."

"Dante," Fabio pulled me to a side and whispered, "he's right. What if it was Constantino who did this? Come on, let's be real here. We all know who took Adriana, so what if it was Constantino who tipped him off? Given him the green light as to when to take Adriana?"

Fabio was suggesting all these theories to me while I was allowing them to just sink in. If this was a mission we were required to complete, I would be working with my fullest energy and probably would've figured this out by now however, since it's bothering me that Adriana is in grave danger right now, I felt so numb.

I just want to know that's she's alright, everything is going to be fine but I knew how everything was far from just fine.

"You're right." I nodded my head and finally decided that there was no point in sulking when I should bet getting into action. "We've got to get going. We're going to go back to the estate first and get ready because I'm getting Adriana back no matter what happens."

After what felt like eternity, we returned back to the estate with our energy levels filled to the brim. The doctors stressed enough how dangerous it was the Adriana was left without their care so I was going to make sure I was going to get Adriana back today if not the really soon. Although I was very much aware of the circumstance, I still had the hopes of getting Adriana back where she belongs.

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