Chapter twenty eight

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Dante's POV

Ever since Adriana had woken up, I really did not keep my focus on searching for the information I should be looking for. However, right now I have had the time to go through piles of files, newspaper clippings and reports of everything regarding Antonio's and Destefano's death. It was much easier for me to find out about Antonio's death as it happened very recent however, Destefano's was old news and so, there wasn't much information about him.

In fact, to this day his grave isn't known which really pissed the fùck out of me.

The boys were going through the files with me and we continued to work through this the whole morning and afternoon. I was growing tired and was so tempted to call this shít fùcking search off but I knew that if I did, we would be stuck in our research therefore, we will not be accomplished our goal.

I frustratedly growl into my hand as I rub my face, tired as fùck.

"I think I've got something..."

My gaze darts over to Juliàn who held a piece of paper as he stood up and stumbled towards us. I quickly get up and then take whatever Juliàn found in my hands before I examine it. He handed me a plastic wallet with a tape inside, along with the tape came documents.

I walk to the computer and set the tape before I loaded whatever was in there and then played the video while the guys were behind me watching it with me. Realisation settles upon me and my eyes widened as the scene begins to unfold; the tape was a raw footage of how Destefano was killed. To say that I was left in pure shock was the least because I felt more than that, the fact that I did not expect who ended his life had me choked.

Adriana's mother killed her own husband...?

My finger slams over the pause button as I recline on my seat and let out a heavy sigh while the boys did the same too. Silence filled the room as it sinks into us of what we had just witnessed.

"Shít.... she was there. She saw everything." Tony whispers, "On her wedding day too..."

My head rests back on the chair as I stare up at the ceiling contemplating on how to approach this to Adriana because clearly, as it was shown on tape Adriana was present the day her father died. I look up at Tony who shook his head in distraught before he proceeded to leave the room however, before he could I called him out.

"Tony... let me go.."

Tony looked over his shoulders before he released a small smile,
"Of course. Go speak to her, we'll continue to search for anything significant."

I nodded my head and then stood up from my chair before I began to walk towards her room. It didn't take me much long to get to her room because the room she was in was located on the floor that the office and my room was in. As I reached her door, I gulped and then knocked on the door with a very shaky hand.

What the fùck was wrong with me?

A few seconds later, the door was slightly ajar with Adriana poking her head out to see who it was. When she saw me, her face dropped and soon a frown settled on her face.

"Can I come in?"

She looks up at me as she blinks multiple times before she nods her head very slowly, hesitant of what she's about to do. She opens the door wider for me to fit through and once I was in, I closed the door behind me. Her gaze darts towards the door as she seemed alarmed but I assured her immediately.

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