Chapter sixty five

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Song - All of me by John Legend (Imagine this song playing when Adriana is walking down the aisle.) ;)


Adriana's POV

My hands dug in the depths of my pockets as I clench my legs together and chatter into my scarf as the cold night settled in. Everything was covered in snow and Christmas lights, it was just so beautiful.

As I tossed the snow around with my shoe, I felt a presence reach behind me. Since it was a few hours before midnight, I kept cautious with who was around because if anyone seen me on the estate ground at this time of the day, I would get into a lot of trouble. I glance over my shoulder with a weary stare as I face the man I've been waiting to see all day.

"Hi!" I exclaim as I turn around and wrap my arms around him,

"Ciao Gattina," he greeted as we both snuggled deeper into each other and God, does he smell absolutely divine. "I've missed you."

I inhale his cologne and smile on his shoulders as his voice penetrated my ears. I missed him too, I missed everything about him. I pull away from him and admire him before I pull myself closer and kiss his lips. Even though my face was numb from the cold air, as soon as his lips touched mine, I felt the connection instantly. My stomach had tingled while my heart pumped crazily in my chest. I felt warm from his touch although he too was cold. Dante pulled me closer to him as we devoured each other until he pulled away to watch me again.

As we appreciated each other's company, one of the ground floor guard returned to the post to watch the whole estate. We were only supposed to see each other for five minutes, only until the guard returns.

"I hate to do this but you have to go." I whispered as we lean on each other's head, "We're going to get caught and you know that cannot happen."

"Adriana," Dante groaned, "I want to take you away forever and never give you back to your father. Do you think he'll accept that?"

"I don't know." I chuckled as he pulls away and digs his hands into his pockets, "What's that you got?"

As I watch him take out a small box, my heart palpitated in my chest. Dante held the small box firmly in his hand as he gazes at me with a small smile, I glance up at him with surprise and wait for him to speak.

"This is a ring I got you to show you that this is something I promise to keep forever. It's a promise to you from me that I will work so hard to make sure you be mine. With this ring I give to you as a promise that ten years from now, you will be mine forever."

Dante opened the box and revealed the single band that was covered with small diamonds while it held a medium sized diamond in the middle. It was crystal clear and so elegantly beautiful.

"Are you going to ask me to marry you one day?"

"Hopefully one day, yes. But for now, this ring is a promise that, that is definitely going to happen."

My heart raced as I admired the man of my dreams confess something so beautiful to me. My cold fingers reached his face as I caress his cheeks, he takes my hand and the ring and slide it into one of the fingers.

I take my hand and watch the small diamond shine as I move my hand around. I was intrigued because I've never received something like this before, especially not from a man. I look at Dante again before I wrap my arms around him and kiss his lips, to show him how much I appreciate this.

"Okay, now go." I push him away with a small frown, Dante pulls away and begin to walk towards the direct he came from, "I'm going to miss you."

Dante turns around with a smile spread across his lips.

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