Chapter twenty three

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Dante's POV

My arms stung like a bitch as I get dressed; the injury that was inflicted on my arm caused me to get a cast and it was going to remain on my arm for months. I clenched my jaws as I watch myself in front of the mirror and begin to contemplate what the fūck I was actually doing with my life?

I was so confused; I hated the work I did however, I also liked it because it gave me all the power I could ask for. I glare at myself as I begin to admit something that I vowed to never even think about Let alone admitting it. Maybe I felt this way because I wanted a change in my life.

Adriana came back just in time.



I shake the thoughts off before I finish dressing myself and then walk out to deal with business that couldn't be handled without me, that was until Juliàn rushed to me.

"Abbiamo un visitatore al piano di sotto," He informed me and my brows immediately cocked up, "you might want to see who we've got."

I nodded my head as I watch him,

We make our way down there in a second and as soon as we reached, I saw a man that I didn't quite recognise. My brows snap into a furrow when I stood in between behind the guys that were already towering him with their tall frames. When I got Fabio's attention, he stepped back and joined me as I began to take my coat off.

"Who the fùck is he?"

"Luca Bianchi, he worked with Antonio." Fabio answered as he returned his gaze back to the man who was strapped to the chair as he was getting beaten up by the others. I nod my head and then approach them to stop them from going any further. I really did not want him dead at the moment.

"Ragazzi, stop!" I yelled, "Now who do we have here?"

I push myself closer to the man that was strapped to the chair, he just glared up at me. The man was young, small and definitely afraid. His face was sweaty from everything that he has been through since he has been here and his hair was a mess. Dark patches of bruises formed on his skin as he quivered under my gaze but I didn't stop. I noticed how he maintained a beard which definitely made him look much older that what he actually was.

We researched about Antonio way before we brought this motherfùcker into our captive. In our research, we learnt that this bastard was hiding from someone that couple potentially kill him. Before he could get away, my men brought him in just in time for me to deal with him.

Instead of showing me the fright he should have in him, he began to laugh at us. It did entertain me a lot because he has no idea what is coming.

"What is so funny faccia di merda?"

Luca continues to laugh before he chuckled. He hung his head low and then looked up at me, his eyes were lazy as fùck and his nose was definitely broken.

"Just that fact that you are all so fùcking stupid." He slurred, "Why am I even here golova chlena?"

I glanced over my shoulders and meet my gaze with Fabio who watched the motherfūcker with raging anger before I turned my gaze to Tony who stood next to him. Tony seemed as though he was about to burst into tears of laughter as he covered his face with his hands. I return my focus back to Luca and slap his face three times.

"Come on raggazi, you should know why you're here."

"I don't," He groaned, "enlighten me."

"Well," I say as I move away from him and walk back to the table to grab all the instruments I wanted to use on this dįckface today and then return to him, "you're here because you decided to mess with the wrong people today."

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