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This is an alternative ending to the epilogue. It's sad. Be aware. 

Adriana's POV

Dante is gone. Dante's time has arrived. Dante is no more.

A phase my subconscious was chanting to me but my heart refused to believe it. They were driving me insane and nothing seemed to work to put an end to it. It hurt so much to endure this, this day was the worst day of my life.

I didn't want to see him, I wasn't ready just yet but Fabio and Tony insisted that I do because if he had left me today, I would regret every single day of my life of not taking my last opportunity of seeing Dante. The thought crushed me but it wasn't going to happen, he wasn't going to leave me just yet, he promised me more than this.

"Come on Fiore, we're here." Fabio mumbles as the car comes to a halt, both Tony and Fabio glances at me and when they did, I was met with sorrow that filled their eyes as they tried to comfort me with it. "We'll be by your side, you have us."

I inclined. I agreed to do this because I wanted to see him. My heart told me that I should do this or it would kill me if I didn't. My body was shaking as I exit the vehicle, something crushed in my body as I glance at the tall hospital building and immediately, I felt an ominous feeling shadowing me. It made me nauseous and it was overwhelming. Tony's hand pulled me out of my reverie when he touched my shoulder, indicating me to move forward. I glance at him blankly and emotionless, before my feet begins to move with dread.

When we entered the hospital building, my body was already aching to leave. For some reason, I knew what would happen, I felt it. Nothing felt alright because everything was beyond fine. I begin to tense as I watch the hospital staff rush towards a room and instantaneously, I began to lose all hope because they were in distress, like nothing was seeming to go the right way.

"He's going to make it." I whisper, I glance at Tony who nodded his head at me with a small smile, assuring me that I was right. "Dante should make it, he's strong."

"Si bella, he's going to make it."

My stomach quivered and my heart pounded when all the rush suddenly came to a stop. My attention diverted to the door as I cut Tony off. My brows snap into a furrow when I stood on my feet, watching the door with shock. It was like as if the inevitable just happened, and my eyes flashed before my eyes. My insides quiver with so much as I try to hold it in all together, this was truly heart-wrenching. A few minutes later, a doctor walked out. The second he did, my heart knew what he was going to reveal because it was all evident on his face.

"We have tried our hardest but he hasn't responded to anything. I'm sorry but he didn't make it."

My heart stopped for a second and my vision had blackened. I blink and comprehend his words in my mind, my body froze against Tony's who began to release me.

He didn't make it...


Shock filled my system as I couldn't imagine this, my body felt so numb and my fingers hurt from clenching it into a fist so hard. I clench my jaw as I stare at the doctor in disbelief, having a difficult time in taking this in. I couldn't swallow it, my mind refused to accept it because it was not the truth. Dante can't leave just like that. He didn't want, he wouldn't want to leave me or us like that. A small gasp left my lips as I breath heavily, I couldn't believe this. I didn't want to believe this.

DON AMORE (Mafia Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now