Chapter forty two

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Adriana's POV

It's been a few days since Dante and I had a heart to heart and honestly, I have never felt so devastated. I knew Dante would be enraged by this revelation but I never had anticipated this. Since that day, I haven't seen Dante at all. We went back to sleep and when I woke up after a few hours, Dante just disappeared off the face of the earth.

I knew he was... grieving because he wouldn't stop crying that day but I never had thought it would affect him as much as it actually did. Had I know, I wouldn't have told him.

I pick on my food as I sit on the dining table with mom. Mom stayed the night of Dante's birthday and then left the next day. Today, she visited me as I hadn't seen her since that day.

"Cara," I snap out of my reverie when mom placed her hand on my hand. Instantly, the noises from my utensils smacking my plate had stopped and it was then I realised that my food had fallen out of my plate and on to the table. "what is going on? Is it the diet plan?"

"No mom," I shake my head and then sigh, reminding myself that I shouldn't let out my frustration on mom. None of this was her fault. "I'm just not in the mood to eat."

When mom did not say a word, silence welcomed itself amongst us. I was tired of this, I wanted to see Dante again. I wanted to feel him on me, I wanted to tell him that none of this was his fault. Again.

I knew that he was avoiding me because he was blaming all of this on himself.

"Adriana, although you haven't spoken a word about anything I know something wrong; your actions indicate otherwise. What happened? Is there something I should know?"

"Mom..." I glance at her before a huge frown settles on my lips, "I..I told Dante about everything and since I have, I haven't seen him. I know that he blames everything all on himself and I want to tell him that's he is wrong."

"Cara, do you remember when you told me all the things that Antonio did to you? Do you remember when I told you about all the things your father did to me when you were young?"

Goosebumps rose on my skin as I reminisced about the event that took place; it left me devastated. When I told mom about Antonio, mom took a few hours to even say a word to me because of the amount of shock that filled her. I thought she didn't believe a single word I told her until she returned, bawling her eyes out on me telling me how much she was sorry for not protecting me.

I nodded my head at her and licked my lips.

"It took me a few hours to get my head around all the monstrous things he did to you, and it happens. Everyone is different; it may have taken me a few hours to adjust to the revelation but it might take a few days for Dante." She assured me, "Don't worry about Dante sweetie, he will always be here for you."

I nodded my head as I watch mom give me a small smile however, I really couldn't form a smile on my face because of what I saw that day.

"Mom, I have something to tell you."

"Yes cara, I'm listening."

"It's Antonio," as soon as I said his name, mom dropped her spoon and faced me with a very hard glare. Her face dropped as she gulped. "he is back."

The fact that I still haven't got my head around the reality was tiring; it felt like I had to keep running just like how I was a few years ago. I watch mom's face drop into disappointment as she tried to compose herself but I took her hand in mine and held it.

"Adriana... do you know what this means?" She whispers and my brows snap into a furrow. "He will return to find you because you left him with nothing."

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