Author's note

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Hey guys,

How are you all?



Okay so I hoped and hoped and hoped that I didn't have to make this authors note but unfortunately, it seems like I have to. So as you may know by now that I have mentioned about exams that are in the way of everything I normally do in my daily life, that is including writing a chapter.

Now, I did say that if only I get the time to write, I will write and post and honestly I thought 'yeah I could do this.' But really I can't. I can't make you wait for more than 6 days for a chapter that only contains 2000-3000 words because thats is nothing. I know you guys want more. I can't cope anymore to stress about exams AND wattpad. Also, hate comments.

It worries me every time I open my account to receive a comment because I always think its a rude comment, which sometimes it is but I could handle it because it doesn't effect me as I don't really care. But now, I just can't. I feel as if I'm not doing enough...

What I am saying is that I'm putting this book on hold for about a month from today because that's how long my exams are going for. I'm not only keeping it on hold for exams but I need to get my mind clear for better chapter because right now at the moment, you've gotten admit I'm giving you shitty ass chapters because of writers block? Right? Right.

You really want to know how I plan out my chapters?

I say awake up till 1am planning out what would happen next...
I know, I have my thinking cap on at the wrong times and thats when I think of such crap ideas.

I'll be back exactly on the 15th June 2017 with maybe more than one chapter.

Guys, if your thinking that I'm giving up? Then get the out of your f*cking heads because I will never give up on this book. I'm sure you all know by now that there is more on this profile...

Don amore had more than one Series... just saying.

So stick around if you want, and please have the patience. I losing my mind, I've seriously become a mad dog! LOL I'M JOKING!

Until next time,
Laya x ;)

DON AMORE (Mafia Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now