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25 years later

Ilaria's POV

It's crazy to think we'd live on to see the future. It's insane that our bodies can take so much, and still develop and learn new things.

When I was ten years old, I never thought I'd make it to thirty but here I am, four years away from it. I wasn't a pessimist until recently, when life took a turn. If the world wasn't so shitty, perhaps I would've been thrilled to make it this far. It gets easier to learn the reality of the world, even though I was raised by my parents like a princess because I was their princess. Though I was, I was never sold lies or what I wanted to hear. I know the ugly side of the world, I know there's dirty people crawling all over the world, I know people kill for nothing and I know innocent people turn bad.

I was once innocent, until I was consumed.

Papà was never shy to let me have an insight of the world he participates in because it was inevitable. I'm his only daughter. No matter what age I am, I'll always know that my Papà is a mafia don and my mamma was a mafia queen. All my uncles take part, heavily and even if they deny it, it'll never convince me to think otherwise because I've seen it with my own eyes. Out of all my tio's, tio Fabio was the greatest at a sling shot.

I'm consumed, by this world and by the people that's corrupted me. I have no control over my desires of causing pain to people, men who deserve to die. People who deserve to die. People who think I'm not after them, and that's the thrill of it. I strike when it's least expected, when they're vulnerable and frightened. I'm told of every being that needs to die each day, and that's where my homework begins. All done and executed by me. Not those evil people who made me the way I am today.

Today was a good day because the universe was on my side. Fate was something I'm going to control today because a man decided to fuck up. A man that's sitting directly opposite me, thinking he's about to become a millionaire.

"Shall we get started?"

My leg draped over the other as I lean back on his chair, sitting right in front of his desk as he sat opposite me. His glasses sat on the bridge of his nose, and his eyes wanders up as soon as I summoned his attention. This man — Mattia Flávio thought pursuing a career in accountancy would change his life. Only it would, until he decided to get involved with things he didn't need to. I know this man, I've seen him a few times at my parents villa back in Italy when he used to be the Lombardi's accountant, temporarily. But he wasn't there for a long time because Papà didn't need him. But as I scrutinise his face from the short distance, I wondered so many things. Where did he go wrong? Why am I here?

"Yes, we should." He says, "I see you're in need of help of managing your finances Mrs...." He mumbles, scrunching his face together as he glances back at the paper in front of him, "Camilla." He finishes with a satisfied grin, he glances up at me and chuckles. "Your husband not here today?"

"No." I say plainly, "Just me."

Mattia didn't realise how much I was running out of patience. My job here was to kill him and leave, I wasn't here to make small talk with him or do any type of business with him. I wasn't interested at all, I was interested in his death. To have him bleed, chasing for just an ounce of oxygen just so he can breathe, twitching and begging me to spare his fucking life. So when I watch him with pure despair, Mattia glances at me a couple of times like he's trying to figure out something.

"I know you." He says suddenly. Familiarisation skitters across his face as he smirks at me. But he doesn't hide the fact that he's scrutinising me, like he needs anymore to convince himself that he knows me. He places the papers down and reclined on his chair, resting back with a smug look on his face. He knew me, he knew I was lying. "You're Dante's girl. I can never forget him. Whatever happened to you?" He chuckles. I run my tongue along my teeth and bare it at him, Mattia restricts himself from saying anything more when he noticed the drastic change in my demeanour.

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