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Before we get into anything guys, I just want to say a huge thank for 1 MILLION READS on this book! I know I've already said it but I don't care, I'm going to say it a thousand and a million times more because that's how much I appreciate it guys! ♥️


In honour of 1 million reads, I give you a very requested bonus chapter that will make you cry until there is no tears left to cry! (So obsessed with Ariana, don't judge me.)

Enjoy my sweet babies!

Adriana's POV

I felt my body trembling as I rock back and forth in trepidation, never in my entire life did I feel this type of worry. My left leg bounced rapidly as I sit on one of the chairs in the waiting room, while my other hand was wrapped around Dante's hand.

"Everything is going to be okay Gattina, I promise you."

I glance to my left and watch Dante's tired face before I smile weakly at him and lean my head on his shoulder. Ever since Dante was released from that hospital nearly a year ago, everyday was a challenge. He was still recovering but was better than before. However, the challenging side of all of this is how he thought he could handle everything all at once.

Last time I've checked, my psycho father was still on the loose.

There isn't a day that goes by where I worry for the safety of everyone in the estate, especially Dante's. It was a miracle for him to survive what happened that night, to even think about gave me instant chills. I couldn't afford it to happen again. I couldn't lose him. It would kill me if I did.

Right now I was at the hospital, attending an emergency appointment Dr Araldo requested for. For the past couple of days, I realised how much my health was deteriorating but I was in in-denial because I didn't want to believe that there was something wrong. This whole pregnancy was something too good to be true and the past couple of days did not surprise me.

"Mrs Lombardi, the doctor will see you right now."

Dante snapped his brows at the nurse as he stood up, he glared at her before he set his soft gaze on me and took my hand.

"Baby, its time to go in. Can you take my hand?" He said as he offered me his hand. I watched his hand and feel everything just spinning and.... spinning.

"Y-Yes..." I feel my heart drop, there was something wrong.

I take his hand and ease into his embrace. He wrapped his arms around me and began to head towards the room. After about ten minutes, I settle in and wait for the doctor to serve us.

While we waited, I grasped onto Dante's hand. He glanced at me before he rubbed his thumb on my knuckles. When I woke up this morning, I felt like the whole world was spinning. I saw dr Araldo today and after a checkup, he told us we should visit the hospital so they could do the rest. Throughout the day, Dante had been agitated where it was impossible to even speak to him without having him lashing out.

When the doctor arrived, Dante was not having it. He was so sour and so agitated and I couldn't help him because I was too worried for the baby.

"Alright, let's see what we have here."

After explaining everything, the doctor finally decided to check me. I rest on the bed as all the lights were switched off and the only source of light we received was from the monitor for the sonogram. My nerves bundled up in the pit of my stomach and my heart pounded with so much fear.

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