Chapter twenty two

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Adriana's POV

I walk around the small kitchen to grab a glass of water and drink from it as I lean on the counter. Once I was done, I slowly walk back to 'my room'. To be honest, the more I resided in this 'hideout', the more depressed I was becoming by the day. Last night was a blur as all I remember doing was crying myself to sleep, which was a constant routine back when I was under Antonio's captive. Mia didn't come to visit me this morning and I was so glad she didn't because I was too heart broken to deal with her or anyone else for a matter of fact. Not only that but I was also worried for Dante regarding his injury; the fact that he doesn't even want my help made me feel more of a shít person.

Not a single person came by to the house and I was quite content about it but it was cut too short when Tony walked in.

"Ciao Bella.." He greeted as he walked in with a few things. He set them down and then walked towards me as he examined me to check if I was okay.

I watch him for a few seconds before I look away hoping he would just tell how Dante was doing and then just leave but that was definitely not the case. It seemed as though he was going to hang around here for quite some time because he sat on the couch getting comfy as ever.

"How is he?" I croak out as I look up to him from staring at my fingers,

"Dante?" He chuckled, "He's a warrior, nothing happened to him. He is fine."

"Oh... Okay." I nod my head and look back to my fingers slowly feeling my throat close up again. I needed to let it all out but out to Dante, I needed him to listen to me because if he did, I would've told him everything. I would also find out the exact reason why he hated me so much.

I feel myself slowly becoming detached from reality as I was far too deep in my thoughts that I didn't even realise how Tony was calling me. By the time I was back to reality, Tony stood up and approached me and when he did, he sat next to me on the bed.

"Bella, what is it?" Tony asked with concern lacing his voice, "You know you can tell me."

I blink a couple of times before I glance to my left to see Tony give me a reassuring look, encouraging me to speak. To be honest, my heart felt as though I could just bawl out on him instead of Dante because he was the only man out of all of them that I felt like understood me. Tony is so kind, it felt like as if I've known him for years. He was exactly what I wanted in an older brother.

"Is it about Dante?"

I look away from him as soon as a tear fell out of my eye. I blink a couple more times to clear my blurred vision before I nod my head, eventually giving in.

"See, that wasn't so hard to tell me." He cheered as he smiled however, I couldn't hold it in anymore when I broke down right next to him. "Oh... no Bella, please don't cry. I'm not good at consoling people."

I couldn't stop; this was the only way that would put my suffering to an end just for now. I couldn't turn to anyone to throw my emotions at. Mom was not here and anyone in this mansion except for Tony was far too busy or too intimidating for me to do that with them. I felt my tears just rush down my face as I cover my face with my hands, Tony placed his hand on my shoulder and began to give it a little shake to get my attention.

"I-I'm sorry... I-I j..just... I'm sorry!" I stutter as I try to stop but there was no stop to this. I knew I couldn't stop because I wanted get this off my chest so badly, in fact I need to get this off my chest. I've spent three whole years keeping it all in despite that fact that I had a therapist. Now that I've found out who Matt exactly was, I felt like I'm back to square one.

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